Do you have love in your life?
This is a question I was asked by Bill McKeown, an incredible teacher of Concept-Therapy and the Laws of Life more info), when I called him about some problems I was facing.
Bill went on to explain to me that love is the highest attribute of the human soul, and that when you are in the love vibration, you will attract everything you need.
With that being said, I really believe that the majority of people’s problems later on in life stem from a lack of love early on in childhood. This lack of love produces a lack concept in their mind in regard to love and leads to all the anxiety and insecurity people face later on in life.
So let’s say you are an adult now and didn’t get the proper love as a child, what can you do? The easiest way to get love is to give it. By giving love I don’t mean you go around hugging everyone you see, not that that would be a bad idea, but rather you put out thoughts and feelings of love. There are a few reasons why this is important: 1) As self-help author T. Harv Ecker likes to say; your thoughts lead to your feelings, your feelings lead to your actions, and your actions lead to your results. So by thinking loving thoughts you will have more positive feelings, which will lead to more positive actions, which will lead to more positive results.
2) On a vibratory level, when you are thinking and feeling love, you put yourself into a vibration to attract just that. Try it with the next person you see. Start thinking loving thoughts toward them. Those thoughts will be sent out from you to the person you are interacting with and they will reciprocate in kind.
In the Bible, Jesus says “Love those that hate you”. Love is of a higher vibration then hate. Where love is, hate cannot exist. Here are some good quotes from Rays of the Dawn, an incredible book about the Laws of the body, mind, and Soul written by Dr. Thurman Fleet:
“True love is of the divine and is the highest attribute of the human soul”
“Live is the most powerful spiritual force in the world. It embraces within its sphere of radiation all the other positive soul qualities: faith, hope, charity, kindness, patience, sympathy, forgiveness, unselfishness, courage.”
“This beneficent force brings health to the body, peace to the mind, and strength and freedom to the soul. Wherever the atmosphere around human beings is permeated with a spirit of love, there strife and struggle will end, enmity will be lessened, evil will be overcome. There, people will arrive at an understanding of each other that can result only in lasting peace, cooperation, and happiness.”
And last but not least: “If we desire love, we must set up a “polarity” to attract love. This powerful force can awaken the greatest that is in our souls, and thus it is the medium for remarkable spiritual development.” If you would like more love, start by giving it in the way of your thoughts. You will put yourself into a polarity to attract it and your life will be better off as a result of you having done so.
For the next month I want you to spend a few minutes every morning meditating on love. Just simply think and feel the feelings of it as if you were being loved or in love right now. This will put you into a state to attract more of it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Today I am going to talk about Affirmations! I LOVE affirmations. Aside from imaging, affirmations are one of the cheapest, fastest and easiest ways to improve yourself. An affirmation is simply a “declaration that something is true”. For instance if I say, “the sky is blue”, I am affirming that the sky is blue.
So what does this have to do with you creating your awesome fantastic perfect life? When you constantly say positive affirmations to yourself it changes your internal self-talk to one that is more positive. Remember, your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your ACTIONS so by talking more positively to yourself, you are going to take better actions. Also on a vibration level, positive affirmations put you into a positive state to attract positive experiences into your life.
Let’s try an example of this. Let’s say I have a friend named Monica who is overweight. Every day Monica says to herself such things as “I hate my body”, “Why am I so overweight?” “Is there anything I can do to lose this weight?” and so on. By constantly reaffirming this negative image of herself she is doing a few things 1) On a vibrational level, she is through the Law of Attraction, putting out a negative vibration to attract to her more of what she doesn’t like about herself. 2) She is reinforcing her negative self-talk about herself which is going to lead to more negative self-talk and more negative actions. 3) On a physical level she is strengthening the neural pathways of her brain associated with this negative image of herself which will make it harder for her to change this aspect of her life.
So what should Monica do?
First! She should have the image of herself as being healthy and in shape. As I’ve said in all of my previous talks, over 90% of what you do is subconscious so in this case Monica would need to retrain her subconscious to see herself as being healthy and in shape. Monica would need to spend a minute or so every day holding her new healthy image in her mind and really feeling the feelings as if it were real. As she’s feeling the feelings of this new image being real, two things are happening. 1) Monica is going to be attracting new positive experiences into her life associated with this new image and 2) She’s going to be strengthening the new neural pathways in her brain that are associated with this image. This will allow the image to manifest faster as the more emotion and feelings that images have, the more ingrained they become in your mind. Here is an example that self-help author Jack Canfield often uses in his talks to illustrate this point. He will ask his audience, “How many of you remember where you were when you heard about the September 11th attacks?” Almost everyone raises their hand. The event was so emotionally powerful that it became ingrained in everyone’s mind.
Now as Monica goes throughout the day she can use affirmations to nourish her new image. Whereas before she might have said something like “I hate my body” she can now say “I love my healthy new body”. If you were to say those affirmations to yourself right now, first the “I hate my body” and the second “I love my healthy new body”, you could immediately feel a difference in the vibration and feeling of the statements.
As Monica is going throughout her day saying these new affirmations about this new image, this new idea of a better body is going to form a concept in her subconscious. As your subconscious will go to work on whatever images you feed it, Monica’s subconscious will now go to work on creating this new image of her.
Now back to YOU! the reader. Here are some things to consider when making affirmations.
1. Make sure that any affirmations you say are positive. For instance:
I feel loved.
I feel good.
I am happy.
I am healthy.
I am wealthy.
These would all be possible affirmations you could use to keep your self-talk positive.
2. To really give your mind a positive jolt, make your affirmations descriptive. You can add in an adjective and a verb describing what is happening. For example you can say; “I am happily (adjective) cashing (verb) my $5,000 check”. What does this image put in your head? An image of you happily cashing a $5,000 check. So really make your images descriptive and as your saying your affirmation, visualize in your mind it taking place. By the way you can even take it farther then that: “I am happily driving in my white Mercedes CLK 350 with beige interior”.
Here is an example I used to use: “I am excitingly holding hands with my beautiful curly black haired girlfriend as we walk down the street.” Less then a week later I was walking down the street with my beautiful black haired (soon to be) girlfriend who I had just met some time before that.
Have fun with these! Create affirmations for whatever it is you would like to see in your life.
I am happily kissing my gorgeous girlfriend
I am lovingly hugging my daughter
I am joyfully cashing my $10000 commission check
I am happily dancing with my boyfriend.
I am playfully squeezing my girlfriend from behind
I am lovingly wrapping my arms around my wife
I am gratefully driving my brand new Mercedes.
You guys get the point. By the way, for any of you that are reading this and suffer from depression, one of the easiest ways to cure yourself is to start bombarding your mind with positive images and constant daily repetitions of affirmations. It will strengthen those neural pathways and brain cells in your mind that are of a positive type and have you focusing on the good in your life.
Write out ten affirmations that you would like to see manifested in your life.
For the next 30 days I want you to read these affirmations to yourself twice a day and visualize in your mind the affirmations as taking place right now.
So what does this have to do with you creating your awesome fantastic perfect life? When you constantly say positive affirmations to yourself it changes your internal self-talk to one that is more positive. Remember, your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your ACTIONS so by talking more positively to yourself, you are going to take better actions. Also on a vibration level, positive affirmations put you into a positive state to attract positive experiences into your life.
Let’s try an example of this. Let’s say I have a friend named Monica who is overweight. Every day Monica says to herself such things as “I hate my body”, “Why am I so overweight?” “Is there anything I can do to lose this weight?” and so on. By constantly reaffirming this negative image of herself she is doing a few things 1) On a vibrational level, she is through the Law of Attraction, putting out a negative vibration to attract to her more of what she doesn’t like about herself. 2) She is reinforcing her negative self-talk about herself which is going to lead to more negative self-talk and more negative actions. 3) On a physical level she is strengthening the neural pathways of her brain associated with this negative image of herself which will make it harder for her to change this aspect of her life.
So what should Monica do?
First! She should have the image of herself as being healthy and in shape. As I’ve said in all of my previous talks, over 90% of what you do is subconscious so in this case Monica would need to retrain her subconscious to see herself as being healthy and in shape. Monica would need to spend a minute or so every day holding her new healthy image in her mind and really feeling the feelings as if it were real. As she’s feeling the feelings of this new image being real, two things are happening. 1) Monica is going to be attracting new positive experiences into her life associated with this new image and 2) She’s going to be strengthening the new neural pathways in her brain that are associated with this image. This will allow the image to manifest faster as the more emotion and feelings that images have, the more ingrained they become in your mind. Here is an example that self-help author Jack Canfield often uses in his talks to illustrate this point. He will ask his audience, “How many of you remember where you were when you heard about the September 11th attacks?” Almost everyone raises their hand. The event was so emotionally powerful that it became ingrained in everyone’s mind.
Now as Monica goes throughout the day she can use affirmations to nourish her new image. Whereas before she might have said something like “I hate my body” she can now say “I love my healthy new body”. If you were to say those affirmations to yourself right now, first the “I hate my body” and the second “I love my healthy new body”, you could immediately feel a difference in the vibration and feeling of the statements.
As Monica is going throughout her day saying these new affirmations about this new image, this new idea of a better body is going to form a concept in her subconscious. As your subconscious will go to work on whatever images you feed it, Monica’s subconscious will now go to work on creating this new image of her.
Now back to YOU! the reader. Here are some things to consider when making affirmations.
1. Make sure that any affirmations you say are positive. For instance:
I feel loved.
I feel good.
I am happy.
I am healthy.
I am wealthy.
These would all be possible affirmations you could use to keep your self-talk positive.
2. To really give your mind a positive jolt, make your affirmations descriptive. You can add in an adjective and a verb describing what is happening. For example you can say; “I am happily (adjective) cashing (verb) my $5,000 check”. What does this image put in your head? An image of you happily cashing a $5,000 check. So really make your images descriptive and as your saying your affirmation, visualize in your mind it taking place. By the way you can even take it farther then that: “I am happily driving in my white Mercedes CLK 350 with beige interior”.
Here is an example I used to use: “I am excitingly holding hands with my beautiful curly black haired girlfriend as we walk down the street.” Less then a week later I was walking down the street with my beautiful black haired (soon to be) girlfriend who I had just met some time before that.
Have fun with these! Create affirmations for whatever it is you would like to see in your life.
I am happily kissing my gorgeous girlfriend
I am lovingly hugging my daughter
I am joyfully cashing my $10000 commission check
I am happily dancing with my boyfriend.
I am playfully squeezing my girlfriend from behind
I am lovingly wrapping my arms around my wife
I am gratefully driving my brand new Mercedes.
You guys get the point. By the way, for any of you that are reading this and suffer from depression, one of the easiest ways to cure yourself is to start bombarding your mind with positive images and constant daily repetitions of affirmations. It will strengthen those neural pathways and brain cells in your mind that are of a positive type and have you focusing on the good in your life.
Write out ten affirmations that you would like to see manifested in your life.
For the next 30 days I want you to read these affirmations to yourself twice a day and visualize in your mind the affirmations as taking place right now.
Friday, September 26, 2008
So I’m writing this today from my new office. As I was thinking about how much I liked this new change, it got me thinking about change in general. There’s that song by Sheryl Crow “A change would do you good” and I think that is pretty accurate.
All of us, whether we realize it or not, have some areas that we could make some changes to. Some of these changes could be major while others (and most) are minor. There’s a saying “A few minor changes can add up to a major change”. Some examples of changes people could make are:
Watching less TV
Spending more time with friends
Going out on more dates
Asking more people out
Investing a certain portion of your income
Having your husband or wife attend their first AA meeting
Attending your first AA meeting
Getting help or therapy you might need for past hurts
Exercising at least 3 days a week
Eating healthier
Spending more time outdoors
Reestablishing your connection with God/The Universe/Spirit
Meditating daily
Signing up for yoga classes
Getting your finances in order
Taking your dog for obedience school
Sleeping earlier
Changing jobs
Changing your profession
The list is pretty much endless with what you can do. The main thing is that you’re getting out there and making the changes you need for your life to improve.
Before making any outer changes, first make sure to make the necessary internal ones. For instance, let’s say you would like to stop smoking. A lot of people might decide on a conscious level, “Today I am going to quit!” and for a few days they might. For those few days their willpower could be really strong and they might not even touch a smoke. However, after a few days, their ingrained habits and beliefs would begin to take over and the next thing they know they’re sitting down for a light.
Now, what could they have done differently? Instead of using their will-power, they could have used their IMAGINATION. Remember this, Imagination > Will-power and I will explain why. As I’ve said in nearly every one of my previous talks, over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You drive to work the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, and so on. Now how do you go about retraining your subconscious? Through IMAGING! In the case of the smoker, instead of trying to use their will-power to consciously over-power the subconscious part of their brain, they could have spent a few minutes every day seeing themselves going through the day healthy and without a light. This constant visualization process would begin to retrain the subconscious part of their brain to create this new life for them. Your subconscious mind goes to work on creating whatever images you feed it so by focusing on the positive, in this case the person being healthy and smoke-free, their subconscious would go to work on making that a reality. The person doing the visualizing could include such things as them reaching for healthy snacks (whereas previously they would have been smoking), exercising at the gym, doing yoga, going for a walk-outdoors and so on. Through constant repetition these images would be translated to their subconscious which would then seek out ways to make this a reality.
By the way, there are some people who’s will is so strong that they could say “I’m done with smoking” and be done with it however most people are going to need a reeducation process. They literally need to retrain their brain to create the reality they would like for themselves.
Now here is your exercise. I want you to make a list of all the positive changes you would like to make in your life.
(Your list can be as short or long as you like)
After making your list, I want you every morning for 30 days straight to visualize your changes as being complete. Make sure to visualize the end result as that is what you want to see manifested in your life. While visualizing, really feel the feelings as if it were happening right now. This will make two things happen: 1) the use of emotion associated with your images will cause them to be ingrained in your subconscious faster. And 2) by feeling the feelings as if your new reality were happening now, you are putting yourself into a vibrational state to attract it to you.
After you’re done visualizing I want you to begin taking some action steps to make these new changes a reality. Action steps could include:
Signing up for a gym membership
Reading a book on dating
Asking somebody out
Signing your kids up for karate
Signing yourself up for karate
Going for a walk outdoors
Bringing your wife flowers
Cooking something nice for your spouse
Calling your travel agent about your next vacation
Calling your accountant about your finances
Taking the dog to obedience school
Reconnecting with your old love
Once you get out there and start making positive changes to your life, you’ll find that new opportunities will begin to open up that you previously might have missed. As you’re now having your energy go out in a new positive, you’re going to be bringing more positive experiences into your life. So try it out! And let me know how it goes.
All of us, whether we realize it or not, have some areas that we could make some changes to. Some of these changes could be major while others (and most) are minor. There’s a saying “A few minor changes can add up to a major change”. Some examples of changes people could make are:
Watching less TV
Spending more time with friends
Going out on more dates
Asking more people out
Investing a certain portion of your income
Having your husband or wife attend their first AA meeting
Attending your first AA meeting
Getting help or therapy you might need for past hurts
Exercising at least 3 days a week
Eating healthier
Spending more time outdoors
Reestablishing your connection with God/The Universe/Spirit
Meditating daily
Signing up for yoga classes
Getting your finances in order
Taking your dog for obedience school
Sleeping earlier
Changing jobs
Changing your profession
The list is pretty much endless with what you can do. The main thing is that you’re getting out there and making the changes you need for your life to improve.
Before making any outer changes, first make sure to make the necessary internal ones. For instance, let’s say you would like to stop smoking. A lot of people might decide on a conscious level, “Today I am going to quit!” and for a few days they might. For those few days their willpower could be really strong and they might not even touch a smoke. However, after a few days, their ingrained habits and beliefs would begin to take over and the next thing they know they’re sitting down for a light.
Now, what could they have done differently? Instead of using their will-power, they could have used their IMAGINATION. Remember this, Imagination > Will-power and I will explain why. As I’ve said in nearly every one of my previous talks, over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You drive to work the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, and so on. Now how do you go about retraining your subconscious? Through IMAGING! In the case of the smoker, instead of trying to use their will-power to consciously over-power the subconscious part of their brain, they could have spent a few minutes every day seeing themselves going through the day healthy and without a light. This constant visualization process would begin to retrain the subconscious part of their brain to create this new life for them. Your subconscious mind goes to work on creating whatever images you feed it so by focusing on the positive, in this case the person being healthy and smoke-free, their subconscious would go to work on making that a reality. The person doing the visualizing could include such things as them reaching for healthy snacks (whereas previously they would have been smoking), exercising at the gym, doing yoga, going for a walk-outdoors and so on. Through constant repetition these images would be translated to their subconscious which would then seek out ways to make this a reality.
By the way, there are some people who’s will is so strong that they could say “I’m done with smoking” and be done with it however most people are going to need a reeducation process. They literally need to retrain their brain to create the reality they would like for themselves.
Now here is your exercise. I want you to make a list of all the positive changes you would like to make in your life.
(Your list can be as short or long as you like)
After making your list, I want you every morning for 30 days straight to visualize your changes as being complete. Make sure to visualize the end result as that is what you want to see manifested in your life. While visualizing, really feel the feelings as if it were happening right now. This will make two things happen: 1) the use of emotion associated with your images will cause them to be ingrained in your subconscious faster. And 2) by feeling the feelings as if your new reality were happening now, you are putting yourself into a vibrational state to attract it to you.
After you’re done visualizing I want you to begin taking some action steps to make these new changes a reality. Action steps could include:
Signing up for a gym membership
Reading a book on dating
Asking somebody out
Signing your kids up for karate
Signing yourself up for karate
Going for a walk outdoors
Bringing your wife flowers
Cooking something nice for your spouse
Calling your travel agent about your next vacation
Calling your accountant about your finances
Taking the dog to obedience school
Reconnecting with your old love
Once you get out there and start making positive changes to your life, you’ll find that new opportunities will begin to open up that you previously might have missed. As you’re now having your energy go out in a new positive, you’re going to be bringing more positive experiences into your life. So try it out! And let me know how it goes.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A Great Analogy for the Imaging Process
I’ve said in one of my previous talks why it’s so important for an image to be concentrated upon until it becomes a concept in your subconscious mind. For those that haven’t seen my previous talk, I basically state that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You drive to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day, etc. So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious mind with ideas you would like to see manifested in your life.
To impregnate your subconscious with a new idea, you simply form an image of what you would like, and then center your thoughts on this idea until it becomes a concept in your subconscious. For instance, let’s say you would like to take a new vacation. You would first have the idea of taking a new vacation. You would then center your thoughts on this new idea such as where you will be going, when you will be going, how long you will go for and so on. After concentrating on this idea for some time, it will become engrained in your subconscious and your subconscious will go to work manifesting it in your life to the degree that you believe it is possible (this will be explained in more detail in a moment).
After a new idea is implanted in your subconscious, it will go to work creating it for you. This whole process is analogous to planting seed in soil. You take seed and plant it in soil that you know is fertile and will produce good crop. After the seed is planted you make sure to water it and that it gets enough sunlight. You might even spread fertilizer on your soil so that your seed gets all the nutrition it needs to grow properly.
In the case of the imaging process, your seeds are the ideas you are working with and your soil is the fertility of your mind. If your mind has been fed nurturing positive thoughts and images, it will manifest much more easily good healthy ideas when being given them. The thoughts you think about your idea; whether you think it is possible, if you are looking forward to it, being grateful for it, etc… are the water and sunlight for your seed. The feelings you feel about your idea; if you’re grateful for it, expectant, happy, joyful, and so on are the fertilizer for your idea/seed and will have it manifest much more quickly.
If you have the right seed, good soil, and the right nutrients (water, sunlight, and fertilizer), you’re going to produce a good crop. Likewise if you have the right ideas, a good mind, healthy thoughts, and good feelings, you’re going to produce a good manifestation.
So let’s try an example of this.
Let’s say you would like to create more wealth in your life. The idea of “More Wealth” would be your seed. The soil would be how receptive your mind is to this idea. Your thoughts would be the sunlight and water necessary for your seed to grow during the manifestation process. Thoughts such as “I believe this is possible”, “I am creating more wealth”, “I am grateful for all the wealth I am creating” and so on have a positive and nurturing effect on your idea/seed. The feelings you feel such as being grateful for this new manifestation, being grateful for what you currently have, and any other positive feelings would be the fertilizer for this idea. After some time, you will produce a crop according to your belief in the idea. I say according to your belief, because if you believe in an idea, you will think positively about it, look forward to it expectantly, and feel good about it. All of the ingredients necessary for it to grow and bloom beautifully will be there for it.
So plant beautiful ideas in your mind. Nurture them with love and care (positive thoughts). Fertilize them with good feelings. And be grateful for the amazing crop you are going to reap.
To impregnate your subconscious with a new idea, you simply form an image of what you would like, and then center your thoughts on this idea until it becomes a concept in your subconscious. For instance, let’s say you would like to take a new vacation. You would first have the idea of taking a new vacation. You would then center your thoughts on this new idea such as where you will be going, when you will be going, how long you will go for and so on. After concentrating on this idea for some time, it will become engrained in your subconscious and your subconscious will go to work manifesting it in your life to the degree that you believe it is possible (this will be explained in more detail in a moment).
After a new idea is implanted in your subconscious, it will go to work creating it for you. This whole process is analogous to planting seed in soil. You take seed and plant it in soil that you know is fertile and will produce good crop. After the seed is planted you make sure to water it and that it gets enough sunlight. You might even spread fertilizer on your soil so that your seed gets all the nutrition it needs to grow properly.
In the case of the imaging process, your seeds are the ideas you are working with and your soil is the fertility of your mind. If your mind has been fed nurturing positive thoughts and images, it will manifest much more easily good healthy ideas when being given them. The thoughts you think about your idea; whether you think it is possible, if you are looking forward to it, being grateful for it, etc… are the water and sunlight for your seed. The feelings you feel about your idea; if you’re grateful for it, expectant, happy, joyful, and so on are the fertilizer for your idea/seed and will have it manifest much more quickly.
If you have the right seed, good soil, and the right nutrients (water, sunlight, and fertilizer), you’re going to produce a good crop. Likewise if you have the right ideas, a good mind, healthy thoughts, and good feelings, you’re going to produce a good manifestation.
So let’s try an example of this.
Let’s say you would like to create more wealth in your life. The idea of “More Wealth” would be your seed. The soil would be how receptive your mind is to this idea. Your thoughts would be the sunlight and water necessary for your seed to grow during the manifestation process. Thoughts such as “I believe this is possible”, “I am creating more wealth”, “I am grateful for all the wealth I am creating” and so on have a positive and nurturing effect on your idea/seed. The feelings you feel such as being grateful for this new manifestation, being grateful for what you currently have, and any other positive feelings would be the fertilizer for this idea. After some time, you will produce a crop according to your belief in the idea. I say according to your belief, because if you believe in an idea, you will think positively about it, look forward to it expectantly, and feel good about it. All of the ingredients necessary for it to grow and bloom beautifully will be there for it.
So plant beautiful ideas in your mind. Nurture them with love and care (positive thoughts). Fertilize them with good feelings. And be grateful for the amazing crop you are going to reap.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Act As If
Today I would like everyone to “act as if” they already had the dream life they seek. Imagine that you are, RIGHT NOW, the person you would like to be. Imagine that you already had your dream home, or your perfect relationship, or your big contract. How would you talk? How would you walk? How would you carry yourself? How would you think? How would you look at things? And most importantly, how would you feel? I want you to really ACT as if you had your perfect life right now.
We know from the Law of Attraction, that “like attracts like” and that based on the feelings you’re feeling, you’ve put yourself into a vibration or frequency to attract everything that comes your way. So really feel the feelings of having your perfect life now. Act as if it was all taking place in this moment, RIGHT NOW. This will put you in the right vibe to attract this perfect life and it will also retrain your brain to create it for you.
I’ve said in one of my previous talks that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. So by acting as if your perfect life is happening right now, you’re literally retraining your brain on a conscious and subconscious level to create this life for you. Your brain will start to look for new opportunities to bridge the gap between your current life and the life you’re envisioning. With enough time spent doing this, you’ll see yourself taking new actions, making new choices, and creating new habits that are in line with what you truly want. Also, aside from these other great benefits, you’ll also go about your day in a really good mood as you’re focusing on the good in your life.
So try it for the day! And feel free to leave me a comment on how it goes.
We know from the Law of Attraction, that “like attracts like” and that based on the feelings you’re feeling, you’ve put yourself into a vibration or frequency to attract everything that comes your way. So really feel the feelings of having your perfect life now. Act as if it was all taking place in this moment, RIGHT NOW. This will put you in the right vibe to attract this perfect life and it will also retrain your brain to create it for you.
I’ve said in one of my previous talks that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. So by acting as if your perfect life is happening right now, you’re literally retraining your brain on a conscious and subconscious level to create this life for you. Your brain will start to look for new opportunities to bridge the gap between your current life and the life you’re envisioning. With enough time spent doing this, you’ll see yourself taking new actions, making new choices, and creating new habits that are in line with what you truly want. Also, aside from these other great benefits, you’ll also go about your day in a really good mood as you’re focusing on the good in your life.
So try it for the day! And feel free to leave me a comment on how it goes.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The Law of Relativity - Turn your bad into GOOD
Today I’m going to talk about the Law of Relativity. The Law of Relativity is, in my opinion, one of the most underutilized laws of the universe.
With that being said, what is the Law of Relativity? The Law of Relativity basically states that everything that exists in the universe is relative to something else. For instance, someone who is 5’ 8” tall would feel tall standing next to someone who 5’ 2” but might feel short or average if they were standing next to someone who was 6’ 3”. Their height is relative to what they are being compared to.
Now why is this law important? By utilizing the Law of Relativity you can change your bad to good and your good to bad (stick with changing your bad to good). It really makes you a master of life and of your fate. I’ll start with my own life as example.
Recently I had a very serious foot injury, I could have complained about my injury as it didn’t allow me to do things that I normally enjoyed such as kickboxing. Even walking around was difficult as it caused me a lot of pain anytime any pressure was put on my foot. However, using the Law of Relativity, I was able to compare my injury to something much worse such as people I know who are partially paralyzed or thoughts of the unfortunate soldiers who come back from war with serious injuries. After thinking about things like that, suddenly my foot injury seemed completely fine and inconsequential.
I’ll give you another example. When I graduated college, I had a lot of college debt. I was a low-income student who went to an expensive school and had to take out some loans to pay for it. I could have been worried about my financial situation but instead, using the Law of Relativity, I compared myself to people who have hundreds of thousands of debt or were on the verge of bankruptcy. Suddenly my college tuition seemed very manageable and I instead focused my energy on being grateful for being given the chance to go to such a great school.
Once you start using the Law of Relativity in your favor, you can turn what appears to be bad in your life into good. Then when you have the good, you will be in a positive state and can be grateful for what you have, which in turn leads you to attract more grateful experiences through the Law of Attraction.
So start using it today!!!
With that being said, what is the Law of Relativity? The Law of Relativity basically states that everything that exists in the universe is relative to something else. For instance, someone who is 5’ 8” tall would feel tall standing next to someone who 5’ 2” but might feel short or average if they were standing next to someone who was 6’ 3”. Their height is relative to what they are being compared to.
Now why is this law important? By utilizing the Law of Relativity you can change your bad to good and your good to bad (stick with changing your bad to good). It really makes you a master of life and of your fate. I’ll start with my own life as example.
Recently I had a very serious foot injury, I could have complained about my injury as it didn’t allow me to do things that I normally enjoyed such as kickboxing. Even walking around was difficult as it caused me a lot of pain anytime any pressure was put on my foot. However, using the Law of Relativity, I was able to compare my injury to something much worse such as people I know who are partially paralyzed or thoughts of the unfortunate soldiers who come back from war with serious injuries. After thinking about things like that, suddenly my foot injury seemed completely fine and inconsequential.
I’ll give you another example. When I graduated college, I had a lot of college debt. I was a low-income student who went to an expensive school and had to take out some loans to pay for it. I could have been worried about my financial situation but instead, using the Law of Relativity, I compared myself to people who have hundreds of thousands of debt or were on the verge of bankruptcy. Suddenly my college tuition seemed very manageable and I instead focused my energy on being grateful for being given the chance to go to such a great school.
Once you start using the Law of Relativity in your favor, you can turn what appears to be bad in your life into good. Then when you have the good, you will be in a positive state and can be grateful for what you have, which in turn leads you to attract more grateful experiences through the Law of Attraction.
So start using it today!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
The Imaging Process Continued
In continuing my talk on imaging, I came across a great quote today that I thought would really help bring things into perspective. It’s from the book Conceptology Phase 4 by Dr. Thurman Fleet.
“When a man prays, is honest and sincere in his supplication, and is so living as to warrant what he asks for, then all he has to do is to ask for something logical. If he believes with all his heart that it will come, and lives as if it is already coming, then IT WILL COME. He has supplied the image, the thought, and then the manifestation will take place.”
Dr. Fleet makes it so simple. Think of the image you want, believe that it is coming to you, live your life as if you were to receive it, make your image logical, and you WILL receive it!
Here is another quote that I hope helps to illustrate this as well:
“In like manner, visualize, or imagine, that which you want in your life. Then select the thoughts that will form the concept of it, and live as if you already had it.”
I discussed in my video why it is so important to form a concept in your subconscious of what you want. Over 90% of what you do is subconscious, so it is important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas that you want to see come about. Also, this new subconscious concept will begin sending out vibrations to attract to you that which you want and I think this is where the real magic happens. This sending out is happening on a subconscious level, just below the surface and is going on all day regardless of what you are doing. So impregnate your subconscious with POSITIVE things and ideas so it will go about bringing those into your life. It’s like setting your mind on a 24hour autopilot to bring good to you.
“…and live as if you already had it”. I highlighted LIVE because this is SO important. So many of us after we get done visualizing and imaging, leave out this huge crucial aspect. We go back to our daily lives in that lower state of awareness or vibration instead of being grateful and excited for what we have coming to us. Also, when you start living as if you already had it in your life you’re in a vibration to bring more of what you want to you. You’ll also be making decisions from a position of power, courage, strength, etc. instead of one based on fear, lack, worry, and such other negative states.
For more information on Dr. Thurman Fleet and his works, I highly recommend everyone check out The Concept-Therapy Institute, They have videos streamed on there as well as a weekly newsletter and much more.
My next write-up will be on the Law of Relativity and how you can use that to change your negative into positive. So stay tuned and keep positive!
“When a man prays, is honest and sincere in his supplication, and is so living as to warrant what he asks for, then all he has to do is to ask for something logical. If he believes with all his heart that it will come, and lives as if it is already coming, then IT WILL COME. He has supplied the image, the thought, and then the manifestation will take place.”
Dr. Fleet makes it so simple. Think of the image you want, believe that it is coming to you, live your life as if you were to receive it, make your image logical, and you WILL receive it!
Here is another quote that I hope helps to illustrate this as well:
“In like manner, visualize, or imagine, that which you want in your life. Then select the thoughts that will form the concept of it, and live as if you already had it.”
I discussed in my video why it is so important to form a concept in your subconscious of what you want. Over 90% of what you do is subconscious, so it is important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas that you want to see come about. Also, this new subconscious concept will begin sending out vibrations to attract to you that which you want and I think this is where the real magic happens. This sending out is happening on a subconscious level, just below the surface and is going on all day regardless of what you are doing. So impregnate your subconscious with POSITIVE things and ideas so it will go about bringing those into your life. It’s like setting your mind on a 24hour autopilot to bring good to you.
“…and live as if you already had it”. I highlighted LIVE because this is SO important. So many of us after we get done visualizing and imaging, leave out this huge crucial aspect. We go back to our daily lives in that lower state of awareness or vibration instead of being grateful and excited for what we have coming to us. Also, when you start living as if you already had it in your life you’re in a vibration to bring more of what you want to you. You’ll also be making decisions from a position of power, courage, strength, etc. instead of one based on fear, lack, worry, and such other negative states.
For more information on Dr. Thurman Fleet and his works, I highly recommend everyone check out The Concept-Therapy Institute, They have videos streamed on there as well as a weekly newsletter and much more.
My next write-up will be on the Law of Relativity and how you can use that to change your negative into positive. So stay tuned and keep positive!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Imaging Process and Law of Attraction Explained (Part 2)
For Part 1
Here are a few things to take into account when making images:
1) Be patient! Some images might manifest immediately and others might take time. If you’ve struggled with weight your entire life, don’t expect to lose all of your excess weight in a day. Give yourself time to lose it. A flower doesn’t bloom in a minute, it takes time to grow. Be patient with yourself. When you’re impatient, this leads to frustration, anger, and self-condemnation. You start getting down on yourself on why you haven’t already attracted you’re perfect person into your life or why you haven’t lost the excess weight. And remember what I said about like attracts like? When you start putting out frustration, anger and self-condemnation out there, you’re going to only bring more of that into your life.
So again, be patient! Give yourself time for the things you want in your life to reach you. Talk to yourself as if you were a little kid. Give yourself all the time, love, nurturing, and care you need so you can attract all the things you would like in your life.
2) Positive and Logical. For any images that you make, make sure it meets two criteria: 1) That it’s positive and 2) That it’s logical.
Why is this important? Well first, most of us would like to attract more good into our life. And second, let’s say you’re running late to a meeting. You begin to worry about not getting there on time which causes you to speed and then you form the image in your head of you getting a ticket. This image causes you some more worry, maybe some fear, and so on. Remember what I said earlier that for any force you put out there, a like amount must be taken on, well now you’re going to have come into your life a like amount of that negative energy. So instead, put positive images in your head. See yourself arriving to your meeting on time, feeling good, and life being grand.
That brings us now to the logical part. Any images that you make should be logical. If I say, I want to make $5000 an hour getting massaged by beautiful women all day, that image is positive but it’s not logical. Or if I tell someone they now have the ability to fly, while that sounds great, if they jump off a ten story building, they’re in for some hurt.
So make sure that you’re image is logical. Also, when you make illogical images say for instance if I’m 5’10 205 and want to weigh 165 in one week, that doesn’t make sense. All you’re going to do is set yourself up for frustration and failure if you’re images aren’t logical. So make sure they always meet those two criteria; positive and logical.
3) Make your images broad. Make sure that any images you make are broad enough for your life. For instance like I said before, if I was 5’10 205 and wanted to weigh 165 in one week, it just wouldn’t happen. However if I was to say I want to weigh 165 in 4 months from now following a strict diet and exercise regiment, that is broad enough and logical. Ten pounds a month or 2 ½ pounds a week is realistic and can be done.
4) Let go of your attachment to your image. After you have your image and have visualized it, let go of your attachment to it. There are a few reasons why this is important. Let’s say for instance I like blond haired women. Well I could be visualizing a beautiful blonde woman with some amazing qualities. Now, let’s say the universe sends me a brunette woman who I actually match up better with and will like more. By not being attached to my image, I can allow this new great woman into my life. You might think from your limited experience that you need to have things a certain way however this great Universal power will sometimes have things in store for you that are better then you could have ever imagined.
5) Be grateful for what you have. A lot of times when people are imaging and using the manifestation process, they put themselves into a great vibration to attract what they want. However, after they finish visualizing, they start to focus on all the imperfections in their current life and this in turn puts them in a negative state.
Instead, be grateful for what you have right now. Some people might say, “Well I don’t have much” and to that I would say you have plenty. You have a computer to go online and read this, you have a brain sharp enough to understand the concepts being displayed to you, and most of all you have a desire to improve yourself which has brought you to view this video.
When you’re being grateful you’re putting yourself into a positive attractive state which is going to attract more things into your life to be grateful for.
A good example that will illustrate this point is when we’ve done a favor for someone. Doesn’t it feel good when they thank us for it? Doesn’t it make you want to do more good? Well on a large spiritual level, I would say the Universe acts like this. As we’re grateful for the good in our life, it sends more to us.
So in closing, your thoughts lead to your feelings, which put you into a vibration or attractive state, which brings everything into your life you would like. By putting the right images into your mind, and making sure they are positive and logical, you can create the life you would like for yourself. And by being grateful for what you have, you will bring more grateful experiences into your life.
Here are a few things to take into account when making images:
1) Be patient! Some images might manifest immediately and others might take time. If you’ve struggled with weight your entire life, don’t expect to lose all of your excess weight in a day. Give yourself time to lose it. A flower doesn’t bloom in a minute, it takes time to grow. Be patient with yourself. When you’re impatient, this leads to frustration, anger, and self-condemnation. You start getting down on yourself on why you haven’t already attracted you’re perfect person into your life or why you haven’t lost the excess weight. And remember what I said about like attracts like? When you start putting out frustration, anger and self-condemnation out there, you’re going to only bring more of that into your life.
So again, be patient! Give yourself time for the things you want in your life to reach you. Talk to yourself as if you were a little kid. Give yourself all the time, love, nurturing, and care you need so you can attract all the things you would like in your life.
2) Positive and Logical. For any images that you make, make sure it meets two criteria: 1) That it’s positive and 2) That it’s logical.
Why is this important? Well first, most of us would like to attract more good into our life. And second, let’s say you’re running late to a meeting. You begin to worry about not getting there on time which causes you to speed and then you form the image in your head of you getting a ticket. This image causes you some more worry, maybe some fear, and so on. Remember what I said earlier that for any force you put out there, a like amount must be taken on, well now you’re going to have come into your life a like amount of that negative energy. So instead, put positive images in your head. See yourself arriving to your meeting on time, feeling good, and life being grand.
That brings us now to the logical part. Any images that you make should be logical. If I say, I want to make $5000 an hour getting massaged by beautiful women all day, that image is positive but it’s not logical. Or if I tell someone they now have the ability to fly, while that sounds great, if they jump off a ten story building, they’re in for some hurt.
So make sure that you’re image is logical. Also, when you make illogical images say for instance if I’m 5’10 205 and want to weigh 165 in one week, that doesn’t make sense. All you’re going to do is set yourself up for frustration and failure if you’re images aren’t logical. So make sure they always meet those two criteria; positive and logical.
3) Make your images broad. Make sure that any images you make are broad enough for your life. For instance like I said before, if I was 5’10 205 and wanted to weigh 165 in one week, it just wouldn’t happen. However if I was to say I want to weigh 165 in 4 months from now following a strict diet and exercise regiment, that is broad enough and logical. Ten pounds a month or 2 ½ pounds a week is realistic and can be done.
4) Let go of your attachment to your image. After you have your image and have visualized it, let go of your attachment to it. There are a few reasons why this is important. Let’s say for instance I like blond haired women. Well I could be visualizing a beautiful blonde woman with some amazing qualities. Now, let’s say the universe sends me a brunette woman who I actually match up better with and will like more. By not being attached to my image, I can allow this new great woman into my life. You might think from your limited experience that you need to have things a certain way however this great Universal power will sometimes have things in store for you that are better then you could have ever imagined.
5) Be grateful for what you have. A lot of times when people are imaging and using the manifestation process, they put themselves into a great vibration to attract what they want. However, after they finish visualizing, they start to focus on all the imperfections in their current life and this in turn puts them in a negative state.
Instead, be grateful for what you have right now. Some people might say, “Well I don’t have much” and to that I would say you have plenty. You have a computer to go online and read this, you have a brain sharp enough to understand the concepts being displayed to you, and most of all you have a desire to improve yourself which has brought you to view this video.
When you’re being grateful you’re putting yourself into a positive attractive state which is going to attract more things into your life to be grateful for.
A good example that will illustrate this point is when we’ve done a favor for someone. Doesn’t it feel good when they thank us for it? Doesn’t it make you want to do more good? Well on a large spiritual level, I would say the Universe acts like this. As we’re grateful for the good in our life, it sends more to us.
So in closing, your thoughts lead to your feelings, which put you into a vibration or attractive state, which brings everything into your life you would like. By putting the right images into your mind, and making sure they are positive and logical, you can create the life you would like for yourself. And by being grateful for what you have, you will bring more grateful experiences into your life.
The Imaging Process and Law of Attraction Explained (Part 1)
This is basically the text transcript of my Imaging Process video.
Here is the video broken up into two parts:
The Imaging Process
Today I’m going to explain to you the imaging process. Basically how to go from having an image in your mind and having that image manifest in your life.
Before I get started, I would like to lay a solid foundation for this talk. A lot of us have heard recently about such things as “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. For those that haven’t heard about this, the Law of Attraction simply states that “Like Attracts Like”. So for instance, if you are putting out thoughts and acts of love, happiness, and kindness, you are going to attract more of those things into your life. I want to explain this to you on a deeper level so you’ll understand how it works and how you can put this law into your life in a positive way.
Let’s begin with the basics. If you were to take all of us; me, you, your computer, the chair you’re sitting in, everything and place it under a microscope, you would see that we’re all made up of atoms. Within these atoms are protons and electrons which each have a charge. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. These charges cause us to attract and repel. Pretty simple to understand right? Now here is where it gets interesting. Let’s say you are thinking a happy thought. This happy thought puts you into a happy feeling and based on this feeling you are putting your body and mind into a certain electronic frequency or vibration, which is ATTRACTING everything that is coming into our life. That is why it is so important to think positively! Aside from the numerous health benefits such as greater relaxation and a healthier body, it is also putting you into a positive electric charge which is attracting positive things into your life.
Let’s take this one step further. Let’s say we have a person; we’ll call him Mike. Mike is sitting there putting out positive energy. As he’s putting out positive energy, his body is now in a negative state. As the universe has to be in balance, the universe must supply him with a like amount of positive to fill in the gap. For you biblical scholars, this goes along the line of what Jesus said, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. Or in other words, for every amount of energy you put out, a like amount must be taken on. So put out the good! Love, faith, generosity, kindness, etc… so you will have more of that in your life.
Now, with that said, let’s move onto imaging.
Whenever we want something in our life; better health, more money, more peace, etc… it all starts with an idea. Where do ideas come from? They could from us, other people, or things we experience in our environment. They could also come in the form of intuitive flashes that one receives. According to Napoleon Hill of the famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, these intuitive flashes can come from ideas in our subconscious, ideas from the subconscious of other people, ideas just released by someone else consciously, or from Infinite Intelligence/God/The Divine.
Now let’s say we want better health in our life. How would we go about manifesting this? Well, first we would have to have the idea of better health. Suppose we have someone who is overweight and wants to get into better shape. First they would have to have the idea of themselves being in better shape. Next they would have to focus their thoughts on this idea until this idea would form a concept in their subconscious mind. Why is this important? It’s been said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way, put your pants on the same way, etc… So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas you want to see manifested in your life. In this instance it would be better health as we’re focusing on that but it could also be greater wealth, better relationships, a new car, etc…. The possibilities are endless for what you can do.
Now back to better health. The person focusing on better health would start to visualize what better health would look like for them. They could then go into detail such as how much they would weigh, how much body fat they would have, how many times a week they could exercise, what they would eat and drink, how much sleep they would get, when they will weigh their new weight, and so on. After they have these details about better health, they would then need to organize their life around this new concept. They could start eating better, sleeping better, exercising regularly, etc… until this image they have in their head manifests in their life.
Some of you might be thinking? Well, that took some action for that idea to come about. And to that I would say, yes it did. You cannot get something for nothing. Sometimes it might be simple mental force as in having the idea in your head, and focusing on it until it appears in your life and at other times it might actually take you getting out there and taking some action for this image to manifest. Sometimes by simply focusing on something and feeling the feelings as if it is yours, you’ve put yourself in a vibration to attract that. We’ve all had times when we’ve been thinking or talking about someone and suddenly that person will call or walk into the place we’re at. Before it might have been a surprise to you but now you know why that happens.
Now let’s try another example in an area that many people might need help with; relationships. Let’s say for instance you want to meet your ideal mate. If you’re a straight woman you could try the following exercise. Grab a pen and paper and write out: “My Perfect Man” (for the men reading this write out “My Perfect Woman”) and list all the qualities he has. Be specific! Really have fun with it. Imagine that you have a magic wand and that you could create your perfect man, what characteristics would he have? List all that you can; height, age, when you would like to have him come into your life and other attributes such as clean, financially stable, happy, healthy, and whatever else you would like. Also include how he acts with you, your family, how he is with your children, etc…… List EVERYTHING!!! Be as specific as possible. Imagine that you had no restrictions and could create your ideal man, what would he be? You can even take this one step further and put up a picture of what you’d like your ideal man to look like. It really gets interesting when that special person comes into your life.
Make sure to include how he behaves, don’t just focus on the physical. You want a man that not only looks good and is appealing to you, but also treats you right.
Now, after you have him written up, spend a minute or two every day seeing yourself as being with him. The reason I say a minute or two is that there have been studies done that show it takes on average 33 seconds, for an idea to become embedded in your subconscious mind. While you’re visualizing your ideal man, really feel the feelings as if he was there now. Why is this important? If you remember our talk about the Law of Attraction, the thoughts you think put you into a certain vibration which attracts everything that comes into your life. So feel the feelings of him really being there. Also, remember that like attracts like. If you put down happy, loving, peaceful, and you’re being angry, mean, and cranky, you’re not going to be in a harmonic frequency to attract (or keep if you’ve already attracted him) you’re ideal man.
There are a few other reasons why it is important to spend a minute or two visualizing yourself as being with your ideal man. Remember how I said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious? Well, when you spend a minute or two every day focusing on your ideal man, you are literally training your subconscious to bring this into your life. You’re opening your mind up to see new opportunities that previously it might have missed. You’re literally creating new neural pathways in your brain which will go to work trying to bridge the gap between the life you are envisioning for yourself and the life you have now.
So play with this, have fun with it! Go through your entire life; relationships, finances, charity work, where you live, what you do with your time, etc…and come up with images for all of those areas. Spend a few minutes every morning seeing yourself as having this life and really feel the feelings as if you had it now. Those feelings will put you into a harmonic vibration that matches up with the stuff you’re visualizing. You’ll literally be attracting it into your life.
Here is the video broken up into two parts:
The Imaging Process
Today I’m going to explain to you the imaging process. Basically how to go from having an image in your mind and having that image manifest in your life.
Before I get started, I would like to lay a solid foundation for this talk. A lot of us have heard recently about such things as “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. For those that haven’t heard about this, the Law of Attraction simply states that “Like Attracts Like”. So for instance, if you are putting out thoughts and acts of love, happiness, and kindness, you are going to attract more of those things into your life. I want to explain this to you on a deeper level so you’ll understand how it works and how you can put this law into your life in a positive way.
Let’s begin with the basics. If you were to take all of us; me, you, your computer, the chair you’re sitting in, everything and place it under a microscope, you would see that we’re all made up of atoms. Within these atoms are protons and electrons which each have a charge. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. These charges cause us to attract and repel. Pretty simple to understand right? Now here is where it gets interesting. Let’s say you are thinking a happy thought. This happy thought puts you into a happy feeling and based on this feeling you are putting your body and mind into a certain electronic frequency or vibration, which is ATTRACTING everything that is coming into our life. That is why it is so important to think positively! Aside from the numerous health benefits such as greater relaxation and a healthier body, it is also putting you into a positive electric charge which is attracting positive things into your life.
Let’s take this one step further. Let’s say we have a person; we’ll call him Mike. Mike is sitting there putting out positive energy. As he’s putting out positive energy, his body is now in a negative state. As the universe has to be in balance, the universe must supply him with a like amount of positive to fill in the gap. For you biblical scholars, this goes along the line of what Jesus said, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. Or in other words, for every amount of energy you put out, a like amount must be taken on. So put out the good! Love, faith, generosity, kindness, etc… so you will have more of that in your life.
Now, with that said, let’s move onto imaging.
Whenever we want something in our life; better health, more money, more peace, etc… it all starts with an idea. Where do ideas come from? They could from us, other people, or things we experience in our environment. They could also come in the form of intuitive flashes that one receives. According to Napoleon Hill of the famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, these intuitive flashes can come from ideas in our subconscious, ideas from the subconscious of other people, ideas just released by someone else consciously, or from Infinite Intelligence/God/The Divine.
Now let’s say we want better health in our life. How would we go about manifesting this? Well, first we would have to have the idea of better health. Suppose we have someone who is overweight and wants to get into better shape. First they would have to have the idea of themselves being in better shape. Next they would have to focus their thoughts on this idea until this idea would form a concept in their subconscious mind. Why is this important? It’s been said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way, put your pants on the same way, etc… So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas you want to see manifested in your life. In this instance it would be better health as we’re focusing on that but it could also be greater wealth, better relationships, a new car, etc…. The possibilities are endless for what you can do.
Now back to better health. The person focusing on better health would start to visualize what better health would look like for them. They could then go into detail such as how much they would weigh, how much body fat they would have, how many times a week they could exercise, what they would eat and drink, how much sleep they would get, when they will weigh their new weight, and so on. After they have these details about better health, they would then need to organize their life around this new concept. They could start eating better, sleeping better, exercising regularly, etc… until this image they have in their head manifests in their life.
Some of you might be thinking? Well, that took some action for that idea to come about. And to that I would say, yes it did. You cannot get something for nothing. Sometimes it might be simple mental force as in having the idea in your head, and focusing on it until it appears in your life and at other times it might actually take you getting out there and taking some action for this image to manifest. Sometimes by simply focusing on something and feeling the feelings as if it is yours, you’ve put yourself in a vibration to attract that. We’ve all had times when we’ve been thinking or talking about someone and suddenly that person will call or walk into the place we’re at. Before it might have been a surprise to you but now you know why that happens.
Now let’s try another example in an area that many people might need help with; relationships. Let’s say for instance you want to meet your ideal mate. If you’re a straight woman you could try the following exercise. Grab a pen and paper and write out: “My Perfect Man” (for the men reading this write out “My Perfect Woman”) and list all the qualities he has. Be specific! Really have fun with it. Imagine that you have a magic wand and that you could create your perfect man, what characteristics would he have? List all that you can; height, age, when you would like to have him come into your life and other attributes such as clean, financially stable, happy, healthy, and whatever else you would like. Also include how he acts with you, your family, how he is with your children, etc…… List EVERYTHING!!! Be as specific as possible. Imagine that you had no restrictions and could create your ideal man, what would he be? You can even take this one step further and put up a picture of what you’d like your ideal man to look like. It really gets interesting when that special person comes into your life.
Make sure to include how he behaves, don’t just focus on the physical. You want a man that not only looks good and is appealing to you, but also treats you right.
Now, after you have him written up, spend a minute or two every day seeing yourself as being with him. The reason I say a minute or two is that there have been studies done that show it takes on average 33 seconds, for an idea to become embedded in your subconscious mind. While you’re visualizing your ideal man, really feel the feelings as if he was there now. Why is this important? If you remember our talk about the Law of Attraction, the thoughts you think put you into a certain vibration which attracts everything that comes into your life. So feel the feelings of him really being there. Also, remember that like attracts like. If you put down happy, loving, peaceful, and you’re being angry, mean, and cranky, you’re not going to be in a harmonic frequency to attract (or keep if you’ve already attracted him) you’re ideal man.
There are a few other reasons why it is important to spend a minute or two visualizing yourself as being with your ideal man. Remember how I said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious? Well, when you spend a minute or two every day focusing on your ideal man, you are literally training your subconscious to bring this into your life. You’re opening your mind up to see new opportunities that previously it might have missed. You’re literally creating new neural pathways in your brain which will go to work trying to bridge the gap between the life you are envisioning for yourself and the life you have now.
So play with this, have fun with it! Go through your entire life; relationships, finances, charity work, where you live, what you do with your time, etc…and come up with images for all of those areas. Spend a few minutes every morning seeing yourself as having this life and really feel the feelings as if you had it now. Those feelings will put you into a harmonic vibration that matches up with the stuff you’re visualizing. You’ll literally be attracting it into your life.
A Video I Made on The Imaging Process and The Law of Attraction
Hello and welcome to my blog!
This will be the first of many posts where I will provide you with my tips on success and abundance.
I recently made a video on The Imaging Process & The Law of Attraction. I hope it clearly conveys to you how the Law of Attraction works and how you can use it with the imaging process to create your ideal life.
This will be the first of many posts where I will provide you with my tips on success and abundance.
I recently made a video on The Imaging Process & The Law of Attraction. I hope it clearly conveys to you how the Law of Attraction works and how you can use it with the imaging process to create your ideal life.
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