Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Imaging Process and Law of Attraction Explained (Part 1)

This is basically the text transcript of my Imaging Process video.

Here is the video broken up into two parts:

The Imaging Process

Today I’m going to explain to you the imaging process. Basically how to go from having an image in your mind and having that image manifest in your life.

Before I get started, I would like to lay a solid foundation for this talk. A lot of us have heard recently about such things as “The Secret” and the Law of Attraction. For those that haven’t heard about this, the Law of Attraction simply states that “Like Attracts Like”. So for instance, if you are putting out thoughts and acts of love, happiness, and kindness, you are going to attract more of those things into your life. I want to explain this to you on a deeper level so you’ll understand how it works and how you can put this law into your life in a positive way.

Let’s begin with the basics. If you were to take all of us; me, you, your computer, the chair you’re sitting in, everything and place it under a microscope, you would see that we’re all made up of atoms. Within these atoms are protons and electrons which each have a charge. Protons have a positive charge and electrons have a negative charge. These charges cause us to attract and repel. Pretty simple to understand right? Now here is where it gets interesting. Let’s say you are thinking a happy thought. This happy thought puts you into a happy feeling and based on this feeling you are putting your body and mind into a certain electronic frequency or vibration, which is ATTRACTING everything that is coming into our life. That is why it is so important to think positively! Aside from the numerous health benefits such as greater relaxation and a healthier body, it is also putting you into a positive electric charge which is attracting positive things into your life.

Let’s take this one step further. Let’s say we have a person; we’ll call him Mike. Mike is sitting there putting out positive energy. As he’s putting out positive energy, his body is now in a negative state. As the universe has to be in balance, the universe must supply him with a like amount of positive to fill in the gap. For you biblical scholars, this goes along the line of what Jesus said, “As you sow, so shall you reap”. Or in other words, for every amount of energy you put out, a like amount must be taken on. So put out the good! Love, faith, generosity, kindness, etc… so you will have more of that in your life.

Now, with that said, let’s move onto imaging.

Whenever we want something in our life; better health, more money, more peace, etc… it all starts with an idea. Where do ideas come from? They could from us, other people, or things we experience in our environment. They could also come in the form of intuitive flashes that one receives. According to Napoleon Hill of the famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, these intuitive flashes can come from ideas in our subconscious, ideas from the subconscious of other people, ideas just released by someone else consciously, or from Infinite Intelligence/God/The Divine.

Now let’s say we want better health in our life. How would we go about manifesting this? Well, first we would have to have the idea of better health. Suppose we have someone who is overweight and wants to get into better shape. First they would have to have the idea of themselves being in better shape. Next they would have to focus their thoughts on this idea until this idea would form a concept in their subconscious mind. Why is this important? It’s been said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way, put your pants on the same way, etc… So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas you want to see manifested in your life. In this instance it would be better health as we’re focusing on that but it could also be greater wealth, better relationships, a new car, etc…. The possibilities are endless for what you can do.

Now back to better health. The person focusing on better health would start to visualize what better health would look like for them. They could then go into detail such as how much they would weigh, how much body fat they would have, how many times a week they could exercise, what they would eat and drink, how much sleep they would get, when they will weigh their new weight, and so on. After they have these details about better health, they would then need to organize their life around this new concept. They could start eating better, sleeping better, exercising regularly, etc… until this image they have in their head manifests in their life.

Some of you might be thinking? Well, that took some action for that idea to come about. And to that I would say, yes it did. You cannot get something for nothing. Sometimes it might be simple mental force as in having the idea in your head, and focusing on it until it appears in your life and at other times it might actually take you getting out there and taking some action for this image to manifest. Sometimes by simply focusing on something and feeling the feelings as if it is yours, you’ve put yourself in a vibration to attract that. We’ve all had times when we’ve been thinking or talking about someone and suddenly that person will call or walk into the place we’re at. Before it might have been a surprise to you but now you know why that happens.

Now let’s try another example in an area that many people might need help with; relationships. Let’s say for instance you want to meet your ideal mate. If you’re a straight woman you could try the following exercise. Grab a pen and paper and write out: “My Perfect Man” (for the men reading this write out “My Perfect Woman”) and list all the qualities he has. Be specific! Really have fun with it. Imagine that you have a magic wand and that you could create your perfect man, what characteristics would he have? List all that you can; height, age, when you would like to have him come into your life and other attributes such as clean, financially stable, happy, healthy, and whatever else you would like. Also include how he acts with you, your family, how he is with your children, etc…… List EVERYTHING!!! Be as specific as possible. Imagine that you had no restrictions and could create your ideal man, what would he be? You can even take this one step further and put up a picture of what you’d like your ideal man to look like. It really gets interesting when that special person comes into your life.

Make sure to include how he behaves, don’t just focus on the physical. You want a man that not only looks good and is appealing to you, but also treats you right.

Now, after you have him written up, spend a minute or two every day seeing yourself as being with him. The reason I say a minute or two is that there have been studies done that show it takes on average 33 seconds, for an idea to become embedded in your subconscious mind. While you’re visualizing your ideal man, really feel the feelings as if he was there now. Why is this important? If you remember our talk about the Law of Attraction, the thoughts you think put you into a certain vibration which attracts everything that comes into your life. So feel the feelings of him really being there. Also, remember that like attracts like. If you put down happy, loving, peaceful, and you’re being angry, mean, and cranky, you’re not going to be in a harmonic frequency to attract (or keep if you’ve already attracted him) you’re ideal man.

There are a few other reasons why it is important to spend a minute or two visualizing yourself as being with your ideal man. Remember how I said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious? Well, when you spend a minute or two every day focusing on your ideal man, you are literally training your subconscious to bring this into your life. You’re opening your mind up to see new opportunities that previously it might have missed. You’re literally creating new neural pathways in your brain which will go to work trying to bridge the gap between the life you are envisioning for yourself and the life you have now.

So play with this, have fun with it! Go through your entire life; relationships, finances, charity work, where you live, what you do with your time, etc…and come up with images for all of those areas. Spend a few minutes every morning seeing yourself as having this life and really feel the feelings as if you had it now. Those feelings will put you into a harmonic vibration that matches up with the stuff you’re visualizing. You’ll literally be attracting it into your life.

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