www.TonyTellsAll.com - If you've liked what I've written here then please check out my new site (and be sure to bookmark it :) ).
This will be my last post on this blog. I kind of feel slightly melancholy about leaving here but I know I am moving onto greener pastures. Thank you to everyone who read this blog and made it successful. It inspired me to create my new site. I look forward to seeing you there!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Hey Guys,
I know there haven't been many updates lately but that is because I have been hard at work on my new site. As soon as my new site www.tonytellsall.com is finished I will move this blog over to it. It should be completely ready to launch either today or tomorrow.
I know there haven't been many updates lately but that is because I have been hard at work on my new site. As soon as my new site www.tonytellsall.com is finished I will move this blog over to it. It should be completely ready to launch either today or tomorrow.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Day 4 of my Inner-Klean Diet
So it’s Day 4 of my Inner-Klean Diet. Yesterday was really tough for me as I had to work pretty late and didn’t get to have dinner at my normal time. To add to the punishment, I was meeting some friends at a really good restaurant to watch last night’s Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) event. Thankfully I got there after everyone had eaten so I didn’t have to see them chowing down on the delicious food there.
I wish I could say that this diet has been a breeze but yesterday was REALLY tough for me. I was feeling slightly nauseated, had some gas, and couldn’t really eat too many more vegetables. On the positive side of things, there HAVE been a lot of health benefits. I will list the pros and cons of everything now.
1. My body looks WAY better. I have increased tonality in my muscles and my abs also look great. It’s like I was able to accomplish two or three weeks of hard training in a few days.
2. My manhood looks much bigger. Without going into too much detail, my manhood looks much bigger. I don’t know if it is from all the juices I have been drinking but that is a great benefit of doing this.
3. My mind is clear, really clear. I feel SO much more at ease. I recently had a high level of nervous/anxious energy and this seems to have dissipated while doing the cleanse.
4. I am going to the bathroom normally. Prior to the cleanse, as my nervous energy was high, I was going to the bathroom quite frequently. As my nervous energy seems to be back to normal, I am going to the bathroom normally again.
5. I don’t feel like an animal. We all have urges in us but lately I have felt like my sex urge has been out of control. Since I’ve started the cleanse that urge seems to be normal and healthy. I really like the way my body is operating now.
6. My complexion looks great. Nearly everywhere I go people are telling me I look good. Almost every other woman I see looks at me and smiles. Some have even just sat there and stared. It’s a great feeling.
7. I am much more at ease. Plain and simple, I feel really good. There are no nervous sporadic thoughts. Everything is flowing smooth in my mind.
1. I am hungry. I mean it. I am REALLY hungry. I want an Arby’s roast beef with melted cheese sandwich right now. In fact, nearly everything I look at looks SO good. I could eat just about anything and be in heaven right now.
2. I felt nauseated yesterday. I was eating my salad for lunch and just spit it out. A man can only have so many vegetables… I found out online yesterday that this and some gas was one of the normal symptoms to expect on the third or fourth day of the cleanse.
3. I had some gas. Nothing major and in fact I felt better after the release.
4. I am slightly irritable. I want to eat and feel full. The irritableness only comes when I start thinking about normal food.
All in all, has this been worth it? Yes. Would I do it again? No. It’s been a real pain in the ass but once I say I am going to do something then I have to do it. I’m just counting down the time until Day 6 is over so I can go EAT.
One other thought that I would like to add. On one side of the food spectrum are people who eat anything. These people make human garbage cans out of their bodies. On the other side of the spectrum are people who eat only raw fruits and vegetables. I think both are extremes. Anyone with a normal healthy system can be somewhere in-between.
I wish I could say that this diet has been a breeze but yesterday was REALLY tough for me. I was feeling slightly nauseated, had some gas, and couldn’t really eat too many more vegetables. On the positive side of things, there HAVE been a lot of health benefits. I will list the pros and cons of everything now.
1. My body looks WAY better. I have increased tonality in my muscles and my abs also look great. It’s like I was able to accomplish two or three weeks of hard training in a few days.
2. My manhood looks much bigger. Without going into too much detail, my manhood looks much bigger. I don’t know if it is from all the juices I have been drinking but that is a great benefit of doing this.
3. My mind is clear, really clear. I feel SO much more at ease. I recently had a high level of nervous/anxious energy and this seems to have dissipated while doing the cleanse.
4. I am going to the bathroom normally. Prior to the cleanse, as my nervous energy was high, I was going to the bathroom quite frequently. As my nervous energy seems to be back to normal, I am going to the bathroom normally again.
5. I don’t feel like an animal. We all have urges in us but lately I have felt like my sex urge has been out of control. Since I’ve started the cleanse that urge seems to be normal and healthy. I really like the way my body is operating now.
6. My complexion looks great. Nearly everywhere I go people are telling me I look good. Almost every other woman I see looks at me and smiles. Some have even just sat there and stared. It’s a great feeling.
7. I am much more at ease. Plain and simple, I feel really good. There are no nervous sporadic thoughts. Everything is flowing smooth in my mind.
1. I am hungry. I mean it. I am REALLY hungry. I want an Arby’s roast beef with melted cheese sandwich right now. In fact, nearly everything I look at looks SO good. I could eat just about anything and be in heaven right now.
2. I felt nauseated yesterday. I was eating my salad for lunch and just spit it out. A man can only have so many vegetables… I found out online yesterday that this and some gas was one of the normal symptoms to expect on the third or fourth day of the cleanse.
3. I had some gas. Nothing major and in fact I felt better after the release.
4. I am slightly irritable. I want to eat and feel full. The irritableness only comes when I start thinking about normal food.
All in all, has this been worth it? Yes. Would I do it again? No. It’s been a real pain in the ass but once I say I am going to do something then I have to do it. I’m just counting down the time until Day 6 is over so I can go EAT.
One other thought that I would like to add. On one side of the food spectrum are people who eat anything. These people make human garbage cans out of their bodies. On the other side of the spectrum are people who eat only raw fruits and vegetables. I think both are extremes. Anyone with a normal healthy system can be somewhere in-between.
Friday, November 14, 2008
10 Things I Like About…..
I was inspired to do this writing after a friend of mine kept complaining about his father. I told him to grab a pen and paper and write out:
“10 Things I Like About My Dad”
And to focus on that list every day for a minute or two a day. What this does is it sends out a positive vibration from the son to the dad. Over time (sometimes immediately) the dad will pick up on these positive vibrations and reciprocate in kind to the son. This new way of thinking also stops the son’s previous negative cycle of thinking from occurring. For instance, before the son might have thought, “My Dad’s an asshole”. The dad, being influenced by these negative vibrations from the son, begins to act like an ass. This behavior reinforces the son’s previous thinking “See, I knew he was an asshole” and the cycle continues.
Now with this new way of thinking a few other things are happening as well. As the son is continuously focusing on this new positive image of his dad, over time this new image will form a concept in the son’s subconscious mind. The son will literally begin to believe that his Dad is this new person. In response to this new image, the son will think more positively and take more positive actions in regard to his father. His dad, being influenced by these new actions and thoughts, will over time begin to think and act more positively towards his son.
As the son is not thinking so negatively about his father anymore, it will positively influence other areas of his life. Remember, for every amount of energy put out a like amount must be taken on. As the son has now replaced a portion of his former negative life with positive energy, he can expect to reap the rewards of this new way of thinking.
So try it out in your own life. If there is anyone out there you hate right now, write out: “10 Things I Like About (insert name)” and list ten qualities about them. Often times you’ll find that the things you don’t like about others are really areas that you need to heal within yourself. As you let go of those past hurts you’ll find your life much more enjoyable and peaceful. Also, an easy way to let go of any resentment towards others is to ask yourself, “What is it about this other person that I don’t like?” Let’s say the answer that comes up is “He talks too much”. It might simply be that you wish to talk more and that is why you don’t like this other person.
I’ll give an example of this. I have a friend named Jim who was always getting worked up, to the point of being REALLY upset, about his friend Gary being overweight. I asked Jim one day why Gary’s weight bothers him so much and he replied: “It just bothers me that he doesn’t want to take care of himself”. I told him that oftentimes what we don’t like about others is what we don’t like about ourselves. He replied with “But I’m not overweight”. I asked him “Well maybe you want to get into shape?” To which Jim replied “Yeah, I really want to start taking better care of myself. I smoke too much, am stressed out all the time…” and more. The point being is that Jim didn’t like about Gary what he didn’t like about himself. Once he was able to come to that realization, he no longer had an issue with Gary’s weight.
By the way I know some people are going to say “But Gary was overweight. Shouldn’t Jim have said something?” There is a difference between giving constructive advice and getting downright upset with someone. Also, Gary at this time was/is working really hard to get his weight under control.
By the way, you can also use this to strengthen your relationships. Let’s say you want to appreciate your wife more. You can write out; “Ten Things I Am Grateful for about My Wife” or “Ten Things I Love About My Wife”. By the way you don’t have to write just ten. Write as many as you like. As you focus and put out these positive vibrations, your wife will begin to respond in kind. This same process also works for virtually anything; work, exercise, dating, and more. So try it out! And start seeing the magic of thinking positively.
“10 Things I Like About My Dad”
And to focus on that list every day for a minute or two a day. What this does is it sends out a positive vibration from the son to the dad. Over time (sometimes immediately) the dad will pick up on these positive vibrations and reciprocate in kind to the son. This new way of thinking also stops the son’s previous negative cycle of thinking from occurring. For instance, before the son might have thought, “My Dad’s an asshole”. The dad, being influenced by these negative vibrations from the son, begins to act like an ass. This behavior reinforces the son’s previous thinking “See, I knew he was an asshole” and the cycle continues.
Now with this new way of thinking a few other things are happening as well. As the son is continuously focusing on this new positive image of his dad, over time this new image will form a concept in the son’s subconscious mind. The son will literally begin to believe that his Dad is this new person. In response to this new image, the son will think more positively and take more positive actions in regard to his father. His dad, being influenced by these new actions and thoughts, will over time begin to think and act more positively towards his son.
As the son is not thinking so negatively about his father anymore, it will positively influence other areas of his life. Remember, for every amount of energy put out a like amount must be taken on. As the son has now replaced a portion of his former negative life with positive energy, he can expect to reap the rewards of this new way of thinking.
So try it out in your own life. If there is anyone out there you hate right now, write out: “10 Things I Like About (insert name)” and list ten qualities about them. Often times you’ll find that the things you don’t like about others are really areas that you need to heal within yourself. As you let go of those past hurts you’ll find your life much more enjoyable and peaceful. Also, an easy way to let go of any resentment towards others is to ask yourself, “What is it about this other person that I don’t like?” Let’s say the answer that comes up is “He talks too much”. It might simply be that you wish to talk more and that is why you don’t like this other person.
I’ll give an example of this. I have a friend named Jim who was always getting worked up, to the point of being REALLY upset, about his friend Gary being overweight. I asked Jim one day why Gary’s weight bothers him so much and he replied: “It just bothers me that he doesn’t want to take care of himself”. I told him that oftentimes what we don’t like about others is what we don’t like about ourselves. He replied with “But I’m not overweight”. I asked him “Well maybe you want to get into shape?” To which Jim replied “Yeah, I really want to start taking better care of myself. I smoke too much, am stressed out all the time…” and more. The point being is that Jim didn’t like about Gary what he didn’t like about himself. Once he was able to come to that realization, he no longer had an issue with Gary’s weight.
By the way I know some people are going to say “But Gary was overweight. Shouldn’t Jim have said something?” There is a difference between giving constructive advice and getting downright upset with someone. Also, Gary at this time was/is working really hard to get his weight under control.
By the way, you can also use this to strengthen your relationships. Let’s say you want to appreciate your wife more. You can write out; “Ten Things I Am Grateful for about My Wife” or “Ten Things I Love About My Wife”. By the way you don’t have to write just ten. Write as many as you like. As you focus and put out these positive vibrations, your wife will begin to respond in kind. This same process also works for virtually anything; work, exercise, dating, and more. So try it out! And start seeing the magic of thinking positively.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Inner-Klean Diet

Today I began my six day Inner-Klean Diet. The diet was created by Dr. Thurman Fleet, the founder of Concept-Therapy and the man whose teachings make up the foundation for my writings.
For some time now I’ve been thinking about trying Dr. Fleet’s diet but just recently I became serious about it. I tend to eat well balanced meals but I had been wondering if there was something more I could do to eat and feel healthy. My reasons for this were twofold: 1) I had been reading about how the healthier you are, the more harmoniously the Divine power can express itself through you and 2) I hadn’t been eating as healthily as normal and really wanted to give my system a positive kick. When my cousin told me he had a copy of Dr. Fleet’s diet in his car I immediately saw my chance to do just that.
Here is what is written on the Concept-Therapy website regarding the diet:
“The Inner Klean Diet is a wonderful 6 day cleansing diet that will cleanse each and every cell of your body. It is more like a fruit and vegetable feast! You will not be hungry on this diet and yet if you need to lose weight, it will happen. You will have more energy and clean out your entire digestive system while following the Law of Sanitation. For those who would like to expand their knowledge, the book, Rays of the Dawn, can provide additional information about the four Laws of the Body including Sanitation, Nutrition, Movement, and Recuperation. The book provides an excellent follow-up program to the Inner Klean Diet. The Inner Klean Diet was developed in the 1930's by Concept-Therapy's founder, Dr. Thurman Fleet. Dr. Fleet often prescribed the diet for his patients and met with much success. Later he developed the Concept-Therapy coursework. Thousands of Concept-Therapy students have used this feast and experienced greater energy, a clearer complexion, brighter eyes, and greater health and well-being. It is only logical that with toxins removed from the cells of the body and your digestive track, the body is going to function much better! The Inner Klean Feast includes most fruits and vegetables with a few exceptions. It has fresh juices, salads with an easily prepared, healthy, tasty dressing, some cooked veggies and a wonderful cleansing broth! In addition, there are enough specially selected protein foods to sustain the body over the 6 days. After 6 days it is recommended that you increase the protein content. Join thousands today in a wonderful way to better well-being! We offer a 30% discount when placing bulk orders of 10 or more of the Inner Klean Diet booklets. Call the Institute at 1-800-531-5628, Mon - Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, CST to place a bulk order.”
It really is a feast! After a half-day into it I feel great. The broth they recommend is delicious and the balanced meals and fruit have given me a high energy level. I’m actually looking forward to dinner so I can have more of the broth. The salad I made was also delicious and so far I feel full and happy as opposed to other diets I have tried.
Here is some more information about the diet taken from the pamphlet itself:
“When an automobile is full of carbon, it has no pep. It is clogged up. You may put in the very best gas and oil, but the speed is not there. The sensible and logical thing to do is to take the car to a mechanic and have the carbon cleaned out. After that is done, what happens? The car seems like new. There is plenty of power.
Your body is comparable to a car. When the cells, of which you have millions, are clogged up with ACID-SUGAR-MUCUS-PUS-etc., you have no pep, your appetite is poor, you do not sleep well, your complexion is bad, your eyes are dull, you suffer from aches and pains, you are nervous and irritable, you feel indifferent – everything seems wrong.
The sensible and logical thing to do is to CLEAN OUT, not just the bowels but the CELLS. Purge those cells – get all this accumulated toxic material out. But how? Well, that’s easy. OBSERVE THIS INNER KLEAN DIET. It will do it – every time.
For six short days you will be on a FEAST – not a fast. You will be filling your body with Nature’s Life – Giving Foods – Fruits and Vegetables that contain all those precious vitamins and minerals. When a sufficient amount of these live substances reach the cells of your body, there will be a flushing and a cleansing such as you have never experienced before. You will eliminate toxic material that has been with you for years – toxic material that has robbed you of your vitality. When this is all out, you will have plenty of energy – your complexion will undergo a marvelous transformation – you will sleep like a baby – aches and pains will disappear – your nerves will be at ease and you will feel so good that life will be a joy.
That is what this INNER KLEAN DIET will do. Follow directions carefully.”
Sounds good to me! I will update you guys with my progress throughout the diet and once it is over. After the diet is over you’re recommended to “combine your meals as suggested in chapter 1 of “The Rays of the Dawn”” which I will go back to doing.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How Things Will Come To You
We’re often told regarding manifesting that we’re not supposed to worry about how things will come to us. I’d like to explain this to you on a deeper level so you’ll know exactly how this works.
There are three words I need to explain first; Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
Omnipotent: having virtually unlimited authority or influence
Omniscient: having universal awareness, understanding, and insight
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
These three words combined describe the power of God/The Universe/ Infinite Intelligence/The Divine (pick whatever term works best for you). This great power we’re working with is all-powerful, all- knowing, and all-present. What this means is that you don’t have to focus on how things will come to you but rather on what it is you want. This all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present power will take care of the “how” for you, often times in ways you could of never imaged.
I’ve found in my own life that when I start wondering about how something is going to come to me, it just causes stress and unnecessary worrying. When you start thinking about the “how”, all those little doubts about your goal start to creep up. Instead of focusing on the end result, you get stuck at the little roadblocks and humps along the way. I believe it’s better to have an idea of what you want, focus on the end result, and to begin taking the necessary actions to achieve it while adjusting your course as you go.
So remember, the Divine is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Simply focus on what it is you want, see yourself as having it, be grateful for its arrival, and be grateful for what you have right now. You’ll be sending out the proper images and vibration to attract whatever it is you want.
There are three words I need to explain first; Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent.
Omnipotent: having virtually unlimited authority or influence
Omniscient: having universal awareness, understanding, and insight
Omnipresent: present in all places at all times
These three words combined describe the power of God/The Universe/ Infinite Intelligence/The Divine (pick whatever term works best for you). This great power we’re working with is all-powerful, all- knowing, and all-present. What this means is that you don’t have to focus on how things will come to you but rather on what it is you want. This all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present power will take care of the “how” for you, often times in ways you could of never imaged.
I’ve found in my own life that when I start wondering about how something is going to come to me, it just causes stress and unnecessary worrying. When you start thinking about the “how”, all those little doubts about your goal start to creep up. Instead of focusing on the end result, you get stuck at the little roadblocks and humps along the way. I believe it’s better to have an idea of what you want, focus on the end result, and to begin taking the necessary actions to achieve it while adjusting your course as you go.
So remember, the Divine is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Simply focus on what it is you want, see yourself as having it, be grateful for its arrival, and be grateful for what you have right now. You’ll be sending out the proper images and vibration to attract whatever it is you want.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Hi Readers!
I know there haven't been a lot of new posts lately but that's because I've been hard at work on getting my two new websites up. If you enjoy my current blog then I know you're going to love these new sites. One of the sites is an extension of this blog and will feature more functionality and organization. The other deals entirely with the Law of Attraction. I plan to have both up and running by Friday.
I also have a great writing on the way that will help you with your visualizing and attracting so look forward to that! Until then!
I know there haven't been a lot of new posts lately but that's because I've been hard at work on getting my two new websites up. If you enjoy my current blog then I know you're going to love these new sites. One of the sites is an extension of this blog and will feature more functionality and organization. The other deals entirely with the Law of Attraction. I plan to have both up and running by Friday.
I also have a great writing on the way that will help you with your visualizing and attracting so look forward to that! Until then!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Take Action NOW!!!
“I’ve heard of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. But I’ve never heard of Someday.” – Reverend Ike
“People are always trying to put off until tomorrow what they could be doing today”. – Russell Simmons.
The previous two quotes were taken from Russell Simmons’ new book Do You! And I think they perfectly illustrate the focus of this writing which is to take action NOW!
So many people have great goals, dreams, and intentions but aren’t doing anything to fulfill them. “After my kids go to school…” “When my check comes in…” “When I get that job...” “When I hear from that client” “When I am in better shape…” “Someday I’ll get my nose done” “I’ve been thinking about doing…” The list goes on and on.
I think there are three main reasons why people don’t take the action they should to produce the results they would like: 1) Fear 2) Uncertainty 3) Ignorance & 4) Laziness. Let’s explore these four.
1. Fear
I think the most prevalent reason people don’t take action to realize their ideal life is simply do to fear. As Susan Jeffers, author of the bestselling book Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway likes to say, fear is simply “False Evidence Appearing REAL”. Many people allow FEAR “False Evidence Appearing REAL” to stop them before they even get into the game: “What if she says no to me asking her out?” “What if my manager doesn’t give me the raise?” “What if he doesn’t like me?” “What if I mess up on my speech?” “What if I fail my test?” Just imagine for a second if she did say YES! If your manager WOULD give you that raise, if you DID do great on your speech and you DO pass your test. The fact of the matter is that you won’t know unless you TRY!
Let’s look at FEAR again “False Evidence Appearing REAL”. Unless you are a fortune-teller, you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. If you’re allowing fear to run you, then you’re looking at the future from a negative perspective. The reality is that you don’t know what’s going to happen. Things might turn out much better then you could have ever thought or planned. As Dr. Fleet of the Concept-Therapy Institute says in his book Rays of the Dawn: “Fear is the antithesis of faith. It is based on a lack of confidence or an apprehension of danger, unhappiness, doubt, anxiety, worry, dread, hatred, anger, horror, fright, shock, terror.”
“Fear is a destructive emotion. Anyone who suffers from it should know and comply with the laws governing fear:
1. Find out what it is that causes you to fear
2. Eliminate the fear through intelligent action
3. If it is not within your power to eliminate the fear, then consult someone who has a made a study of the human mind. Present your case to the doctor, or mental healer, who in turn will analyze this fear. Then, using your intelligence and willpower, eliminate the fear.
4. Do not fear anything needlessly. Analyze your fears in the light of truth, and you will find that there is, in reality, nothing worthy of being feared”
Let’s try an example of this. Let’s say you’re someone who has a fear of talking to women. You’re worried that when you talk to women they might reject you so instead of talking to them, you simply leave them alone. This fear is causing havoc with your life as you don’t have the proper relationships or the normal sex life you desire.
So, what can we do? First, “Find out what it is that causes you to fear”. In the previous case it would be talking to women. Second, “Eliminate the fear through intelligent action”. Intelligent action could be; signing up for a course on how to meet women, taking speech classes to get better at speaking, purchasing a book on the art of pick-up and/or seduction, practicing making small-talk with women you see while out, and having your friends introduce you to their women friends.
If your fear is so big that you can’t do any of those steps, then I would say you go to step 3 of the laws governing fear; “If it is not within your power to eliminate the fear, then consult someone who has a made a study of the human mind. Present your case to the doctor, or mental healer, who in turn will analyze this fear. Then, using your intelligence and willpower, eliminate the fear.” You can get the number of a good therapist or hypnotist and find out what the root cause of this fear is. Once you know it, the two of you can come up with a logical plan to eliminate it.
Lastly, “Do not fear anything needlessly. Analyze your fears in the light of truth, and you will find that there is, in reality, nothing worthy of being feared.” This quote is so true. You are one with the Divine. One with this great all-pervading power that rules, governs, and flows throughout the universe. What problem could be so big that you could not solve it? Apply some reason and faith to your problems and you’ll see that there really is nothing worthy of being feared. In fact, most of the time your problems are blessings in disguise. They’re showing you what areas you need to improve upon so that you could lead a better life.
2. Uncertainty
A lot of times there will be people who are willing to take action but often don’t know exactly what it is they should be doing. One of the easiest ways to get over this hurdle is to develop a strong image of what you would like to be doing. This image will give you the direction and motivation you need to get started. Also, a strong image will give you the drive and determination to see your image through to the end, even when bumps and hurdles come up along the way.
Two examples I like to use for this are: 1) Imagine if I gave you a magic wand and you were living your ideal life right now, what would you be doing? That simple question usually allows people to completely express themselves. Everyone on some level has an idea as to what they should be doing. This simple question releases any type of restrictions a person might have. For instance many people are not in their ideal jobs because they are busy doing something that they think they should be doing instead of something they want to do. This simple question allows them to really free themselves up to get to the core of what they want to do.
2) I oftentimes tell people to write out: “I am so happy and grateful” and to keep writing whatever comes out for their ideal life. This natural process of writing allows their true desires to come out. It stops the conscious part of their mind from filtering out their true real desires that are right below the conscious surface.
In my opinion, developing a strong image is the first thing someone should do when they want to get into shape. By developing a STRONG image of what they would like to look and FEEL like, this image will give them the inspiration to go about creating their perfect body. Also, on those days when they might be feeling down or unmotivated, all they have to do is turn to their perfect image for motivation.
For people reading this who might be suffering from depression, a strong self-image is one of the best ways to start feeling good again. The image of a person’s perfect life will give the imager faith and hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It will also give them a direction to head in which will take their negative energy that was once flowing destructively inward and have it flowing constructively outward.
3. Ignorance
Sometimes people know what they want to do but just aren’t sure how to do it. For instance let’s say you wanted to become really good at karate but have never done karate before. You could read a book on karate, attend a karate class or seminar, take a private one on one karate lesson, and study about the best karate fighters throughout history.
The same process is analogous to pretty much anything. Let’s say for instance you wanted to attend Harvard University. You could call and speak to an admissions counselor at Harvard, speak to your school’s admissions counselor about Harvard, spend a day walking around Harvard’s campus, check out various online resources regarding its application process, and much more. Within a very short time you would be extremely knowledgeable about Harvard and what steps you would need to take to get accepted into their university.
I would like to make a special note about taking action NOW. A lot of people fail to realize just how MANY resources are available to them. The world is really limitless with the number of available resources, many of which are FREE. If you are unemployed, there are tons of employment agencies that would like to get you a job and won’t charge you a thing for it. If you’re suffering from some type of mental illness, there are tons of therapists out there who would like to help you just for the sake of helping you. If you’re hungry, there are a variety of food-assistance programs that will help keep you fed. But none of these resources can reach you if you don’t take some type of action to let them. Sometimes it might be something as simple as calling up and registering for a free class or filling out a form for some type of government assistance.
4. Laziness
Of all the factors on this list, I think laziness is the most difficult to overcome. The reason being that lazy people often want others to do the work for them. As motivational speaker Jim Rohn likes to say “You can’t pay someone to do the push-ups for you”. If you want to get into shape you are going to have to exercise and/or eat right. If you want to graduate from college then you are going to have to take classes, study, and work hard. If you want to get a black belt in karate then you will have to practice and train, often times for years on end before you will receive it. The list goes on and on.
So how do you combat laziness? The answer is with a strong image. A strong enough image can force nearly anyone to get off their butt and begin taking action. It will motivate them to reach for heights they might never have thought were possible and will give them the fuel to keep going along the way. The only problem with lazy people is that many are too lazy to begin doing even that!!! They want someone else to solve their problems and to do their thinking for them. They would rather watch TV all day, play the lotto, drink, gamble, etc. rather than put in the necessary work to create their ideal life now.
If you’re reading this and there is some area in your life that you have been neglecting or been lazy about, develop a strong positive image of how you would like it to be. If you are a lazy student, see yourself getting all A's and your teachers congratulating you about your success. If you are overweight, see yourself in your new body and people telling you how great you look. If you’re broke, see yourself as being rich and driving your brand new car and living in your perfect house. Bombard your mind daily with these positive images until they become ingrained in your subconscious mind. As I said in my previous talks, over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You drive to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day and so on. By impregnating your subconscious with these new images of your life, it will go to work on creating them for you. It’s like putting your mind on autopilot to create what you want.
Take Action NOW!!!!
I’ve found in my own experience that once you begin to take action, doors that you could have never even dreamt of will begin to open for you. The universe, being all-wise and intelligent, will see your desire to improve some aspect of your life and will reward you accordingly. With that said I would like to share a small humorous story about taking action now.
One day a man approaches Dr. Fleet and asks him how he could use the law of attraction to find his perfect job. Fleet tells the man to draft up a great resume, to make twenty or so copies of it, and to visualize every day that he is working in his perfect job. Some time goes by and one day the man approaches Fleet after a class and proceeds to tell him that the law of attraction doesn’t work, that he’s been sitting around visualizing his ideal job and still hasn’t heard anything! Dr. Fleet asks the man if he’s sent any of his resumes out to which the man says no.
So take some action NOW! Don’t be like the guy with all his resumes visualizing but not taking any action to make his dreams a reality. By the way, you know what happens when you don’t take action? NOTHING! And sometimes that is the worst thing of all. Also, for those who might be letting fear stop them from taking action, I would say to you, how do you know things aren’t going to go your way? What if they actually do? What if your new business idea IS successful and changes the world? What if you do find your soul mate? What if you do get into your ideal college? Wouldn’t that action be worth the risk???
“People are always trying to put off until tomorrow what they could be doing today”. – Russell Simmons.
The previous two quotes were taken from Russell Simmons’ new book Do You! And I think they perfectly illustrate the focus of this writing which is to take action NOW!
So many people have great goals, dreams, and intentions but aren’t doing anything to fulfill them. “After my kids go to school…” “When my check comes in…” “When I get that job...” “When I hear from that client” “When I am in better shape…” “Someday I’ll get my nose done” “I’ve been thinking about doing…” The list goes on and on.
I think there are three main reasons why people don’t take the action they should to produce the results they would like: 1) Fear 2) Uncertainty 3) Ignorance & 4) Laziness. Let’s explore these four.
1. Fear
I think the most prevalent reason people don’t take action to realize their ideal life is simply do to fear. As Susan Jeffers, author of the bestselling book Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway likes to say, fear is simply “False Evidence Appearing REAL”. Many people allow FEAR “False Evidence Appearing REAL” to stop them before they even get into the game: “What if she says no to me asking her out?” “What if my manager doesn’t give me the raise?” “What if he doesn’t like me?” “What if I mess up on my speech?” “What if I fail my test?” Just imagine for a second if she did say YES! If your manager WOULD give you that raise, if you DID do great on your speech and you DO pass your test. The fact of the matter is that you won’t know unless you TRY!
Let’s look at FEAR again “False Evidence Appearing REAL”. Unless you are a fortune-teller, you don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. If you’re allowing fear to run you, then you’re looking at the future from a negative perspective. The reality is that you don’t know what’s going to happen. Things might turn out much better then you could have ever thought or planned. As Dr. Fleet of the Concept-Therapy Institute says in his book Rays of the Dawn: “Fear is the antithesis of faith. It is based on a lack of confidence or an apprehension of danger, unhappiness, doubt, anxiety, worry, dread, hatred, anger, horror, fright, shock, terror.”
“Fear is a destructive emotion. Anyone who suffers from it should know and comply with the laws governing fear:
1. Find out what it is that causes you to fear
2. Eliminate the fear through intelligent action
3. If it is not within your power to eliminate the fear, then consult someone who has a made a study of the human mind. Present your case to the doctor, or mental healer, who in turn will analyze this fear. Then, using your intelligence and willpower, eliminate the fear.
4. Do not fear anything needlessly. Analyze your fears in the light of truth, and you will find that there is, in reality, nothing worthy of being feared”
Let’s try an example of this. Let’s say you’re someone who has a fear of talking to women. You’re worried that when you talk to women they might reject you so instead of talking to them, you simply leave them alone. This fear is causing havoc with your life as you don’t have the proper relationships or the normal sex life you desire.
So, what can we do? First, “Find out what it is that causes you to fear”. In the previous case it would be talking to women. Second, “Eliminate the fear through intelligent action”. Intelligent action could be; signing up for a course on how to meet women, taking speech classes to get better at speaking, purchasing a book on the art of pick-up and/or seduction, practicing making small-talk with women you see while out, and having your friends introduce you to their women friends.
If your fear is so big that you can’t do any of those steps, then I would say you go to step 3 of the laws governing fear; “If it is not within your power to eliminate the fear, then consult someone who has a made a study of the human mind. Present your case to the doctor, or mental healer, who in turn will analyze this fear. Then, using your intelligence and willpower, eliminate the fear.” You can get the number of a good therapist or hypnotist and find out what the root cause of this fear is. Once you know it, the two of you can come up with a logical plan to eliminate it.
Lastly, “Do not fear anything needlessly. Analyze your fears in the light of truth, and you will find that there is, in reality, nothing worthy of being feared.” This quote is so true. You are one with the Divine. One with this great all-pervading power that rules, governs, and flows throughout the universe. What problem could be so big that you could not solve it? Apply some reason and faith to your problems and you’ll see that there really is nothing worthy of being feared. In fact, most of the time your problems are blessings in disguise. They’re showing you what areas you need to improve upon so that you could lead a better life.
2. Uncertainty
A lot of times there will be people who are willing to take action but often don’t know exactly what it is they should be doing. One of the easiest ways to get over this hurdle is to develop a strong image of what you would like to be doing. This image will give you the direction and motivation you need to get started. Also, a strong image will give you the drive and determination to see your image through to the end, even when bumps and hurdles come up along the way.
Two examples I like to use for this are: 1) Imagine if I gave you a magic wand and you were living your ideal life right now, what would you be doing? That simple question usually allows people to completely express themselves. Everyone on some level has an idea as to what they should be doing. This simple question releases any type of restrictions a person might have. For instance many people are not in their ideal jobs because they are busy doing something that they think they should be doing instead of something they want to do. This simple question allows them to really free themselves up to get to the core of what they want to do.
2) I oftentimes tell people to write out: “I am so happy and grateful” and to keep writing whatever comes out for their ideal life. This natural process of writing allows their true desires to come out. It stops the conscious part of their mind from filtering out their true real desires that are right below the conscious surface.
In my opinion, developing a strong image is the first thing someone should do when they want to get into shape. By developing a STRONG image of what they would like to look and FEEL like, this image will give them the inspiration to go about creating their perfect body. Also, on those days when they might be feeling down or unmotivated, all they have to do is turn to their perfect image for motivation.
For people reading this who might be suffering from depression, a strong self-image is one of the best ways to start feeling good again. The image of a person’s perfect life will give the imager faith and hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. It will also give them a direction to head in which will take their negative energy that was once flowing destructively inward and have it flowing constructively outward.
3. Ignorance
Sometimes people know what they want to do but just aren’t sure how to do it. For instance let’s say you wanted to become really good at karate but have never done karate before. You could read a book on karate, attend a karate class or seminar, take a private one on one karate lesson, and study about the best karate fighters throughout history.
The same process is analogous to pretty much anything. Let’s say for instance you wanted to attend Harvard University. You could call and speak to an admissions counselor at Harvard, speak to your school’s admissions counselor about Harvard, spend a day walking around Harvard’s campus, check out various online resources regarding its application process, and much more. Within a very short time you would be extremely knowledgeable about Harvard and what steps you would need to take to get accepted into their university.
I would like to make a special note about taking action NOW. A lot of people fail to realize just how MANY resources are available to them. The world is really limitless with the number of available resources, many of which are FREE. If you are unemployed, there are tons of employment agencies that would like to get you a job and won’t charge you a thing for it. If you’re suffering from some type of mental illness, there are tons of therapists out there who would like to help you just for the sake of helping you. If you’re hungry, there are a variety of food-assistance programs that will help keep you fed. But none of these resources can reach you if you don’t take some type of action to let them. Sometimes it might be something as simple as calling up and registering for a free class or filling out a form for some type of government assistance.
4. Laziness
Of all the factors on this list, I think laziness is the most difficult to overcome. The reason being that lazy people often want others to do the work for them. As motivational speaker Jim Rohn likes to say “You can’t pay someone to do the push-ups for you”. If you want to get into shape you are going to have to exercise and/or eat right. If you want to graduate from college then you are going to have to take classes, study, and work hard. If you want to get a black belt in karate then you will have to practice and train, often times for years on end before you will receive it. The list goes on and on.
So how do you combat laziness? The answer is with a strong image. A strong enough image can force nearly anyone to get off their butt and begin taking action. It will motivate them to reach for heights they might never have thought were possible and will give them the fuel to keep going along the way. The only problem with lazy people is that many are too lazy to begin doing even that!!! They want someone else to solve their problems and to do their thinking for them. They would rather watch TV all day, play the lotto, drink, gamble, etc. rather than put in the necessary work to create their ideal life now.
If you’re reading this and there is some area in your life that you have been neglecting or been lazy about, develop a strong positive image of how you would like it to be. If you are a lazy student, see yourself getting all A's and your teachers congratulating you about your success. If you are overweight, see yourself in your new body and people telling you how great you look. If you’re broke, see yourself as being rich and driving your brand new car and living in your perfect house. Bombard your mind daily with these positive images until they become ingrained in your subconscious mind. As I said in my previous talks, over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You drive to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day and so on. By impregnating your subconscious with these new images of your life, it will go to work on creating them for you. It’s like putting your mind on autopilot to create what you want.
Take Action NOW!!!!
I’ve found in my own experience that once you begin to take action, doors that you could have never even dreamt of will begin to open for you. The universe, being all-wise and intelligent, will see your desire to improve some aspect of your life and will reward you accordingly. With that said I would like to share a small humorous story about taking action now.
One day a man approaches Dr. Fleet and asks him how he could use the law of attraction to find his perfect job. Fleet tells the man to draft up a great resume, to make twenty or so copies of it, and to visualize every day that he is working in his perfect job. Some time goes by and one day the man approaches Fleet after a class and proceeds to tell him that the law of attraction doesn’t work, that he’s been sitting around visualizing his ideal job and still hasn’t heard anything! Dr. Fleet asks the man if he’s sent any of his resumes out to which the man says no.
So take some action NOW! Don’t be like the guy with all his resumes visualizing but not taking any action to make his dreams a reality. By the way, you know what happens when you don’t take action? NOTHING! And sometimes that is the worst thing of all. Also, for those who might be letting fear stop them from taking action, I would say to you, how do you know things aren’t going to go your way? What if they actually do? What if your new business idea IS successful and changes the world? What if you do find your soul mate? What if you do get into your ideal college? Wouldn’t that action be worth the risk???
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