Today I began my six day Inner-Klean Diet. The diet was created by Dr. Thurman Fleet, the founder of Concept-Therapy and the man whose teachings make up the foundation for my writings.
For some time now I’ve been thinking about trying Dr. Fleet’s diet but just recently I became serious about it. I tend to eat well balanced meals but I had been wondering if there was something more I could do to eat and feel healthy. My reasons for this were twofold: 1) I had been reading about how the healthier you are, the more harmoniously the Divine power can express itself through you and 2) I hadn’t been eating as healthily as normal and really wanted to give my system a positive kick. When my cousin told me he had a copy of Dr. Fleet’s diet in his car I immediately saw my chance to do just that.
Here is what is written on the Concept-Therapy website regarding the diet:
“The Inner Klean Diet is a wonderful 6 day cleansing diet that will cleanse each and every cell of your body. It is more like a fruit and vegetable feast! You will not be hungry on this diet and yet if you need to lose weight, it will happen. You will have more energy and clean out your entire digestive system while following the Law of Sanitation. For those who would like to expand their knowledge, the book, Rays of the Dawn, can provide additional information about the four Laws of the Body including Sanitation, Nutrition, Movement, and Recuperation. The book provides an excellent follow-up program to the Inner Klean Diet. The Inner Klean Diet was developed in the 1930's by Concept-Therapy's founder, Dr. Thurman Fleet. Dr. Fleet often prescribed the diet for his patients and met with much success. Later he developed the Concept-Therapy coursework. Thousands of Concept-Therapy students have used this feast and experienced greater energy, a clearer complexion, brighter eyes, and greater health and well-being. It is only logical that with toxins removed from the cells of the body and your digestive track, the body is going to function much better! The Inner Klean Feast includes most fruits and vegetables with a few exceptions. It has fresh juices, salads with an easily prepared, healthy, tasty dressing, some cooked veggies and a wonderful cleansing broth! In addition, there are enough specially selected protein foods to sustain the body over the 6 days. After 6 days it is recommended that you increase the protein content. Join thousands today in a wonderful way to better well-being! We offer a 30% discount when placing bulk orders of 10 or more of the Inner Klean Diet booklets. Call the Institute at 1-800-531-5628, Mon - Fri, 9 am to 4 pm, CST to place a bulk order.”
It really is a feast! After a half-day into it I feel great. The broth they recommend is delicious and the balanced meals and fruit have given me a high energy level. I’m actually looking forward to dinner so I can have more of the broth. The salad I made was also delicious and so far I feel full and happy as opposed to other diets I have tried.
Here is some more information about the diet taken from the pamphlet itself:
“When an automobile is full of carbon, it has no pep. It is clogged up. You may put in the very best gas and oil, but the speed is not there. The sensible and logical thing to do is to take the car to a mechanic and have the carbon cleaned out. After that is done, what happens? The car seems like new. There is plenty of power.
Your body is comparable to a car. When the cells, of which you have millions, are clogged up with ACID-SUGAR-MUCUS-PUS-etc., you have no pep, your appetite is poor, you do not sleep well, your complexion is bad, your eyes are dull, you suffer from aches and pains, you are nervous and irritable, you feel indifferent – everything seems wrong.
The sensible and logical thing to do is to CLEAN OUT, not just the bowels but the CELLS. Purge those cells – get all this accumulated toxic material out. But how? Well, that’s easy. OBSERVE THIS INNER KLEAN DIET. It will do it – every time.
For six short days you will be on a FEAST – not a fast. You will be filling your body with Nature’s Life – Giving Foods – Fruits and Vegetables that contain all those precious vitamins and minerals. When a sufficient amount of these live substances reach the cells of your body, there will be a flushing and a cleansing such as you have never experienced before. You will eliminate toxic material that has been with you for years – toxic material that has robbed you of your vitality. When this is all out, you will have plenty of energy – your complexion will undergo a marvelous transformation – you will sleep like a baby – aches and pains will disappear – your nerves will be at ease and you will feel so good that life will be a joy.
That is what this INNER KLEAN DIET will do. Follow directions carefully.”
Sounds good to me! I will update you guys with my progress throughout the diet and once it is over. After the diet is over you’re recommended to “combine your meals as suggested in chapter 1 of “The Rays of the Dawn”” which I will go back to doing.
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