Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wanting VS Having

I want to talk right now about “wanting” something versus “having” something and their effects in regard to the Law of Attraction.

Whenever there is something you want, and you would like to use the imaging process and the law of attraction to bring it you, always focus on the END RESULT. By this I mean to imagine and really FEEL the feelings as if you had what you wanted RIGHT NOW. Let’s say for instance you would like to buy a new house. You could see yourself lying down on the couch of your new home, swimming in the pool of your beautiful backyard, pulling into your new garage, and happily taking a shower in your new bathroom as you think about how grateful you are to be living in your beautiful new place. By focusing on the end result you are invoking the Law of Attraction to bring you just that, the end result and things that match up with the vibration you’re in.

Now let’s say for instance you are focused on what you “want”. When you are focused on the want, and are imaging and feeling that instead of the end result of you having it, you are going to attract more “want” experiences into your life. You’ve now put yourself in a position to attract more experiences that leave you lacking. So focus on the end result! Really feel the feelings as if you had what you wanted right now. Be grateful for it as if it is was already yours. Jesus, one of the greatest philosophers of all time said “Ask and ye shall receive”. So decide on what you want and really believe that it is yours. Be grateful for it as if you had it right now. This will put you into a vibratory state to attract it.

By the way, if you would really like to add some zest to your images you can go and test drive that new car you want, go to the open house of your dream home, cut out pictures of your ideal partner/body/friends/apartment and more. You can even try on clothes that you would like to wear, talk to people you would like to date, and see a travel agent about a destination you would like to travel to. Taking actions like these do a few things; 1) They show you that the dreams you want for your life are possible 2) They add a sense of realness to your images. Its one thing to imagine yourself driving the car of your dreams but it’s a much different experience after you’ve gone and test driven it. You now know what it’s like to have your hand on the steering wheel as you make a turn, how the leather seat feels against your body, and what your new car smells like on the inside. You can now recall those feelings you felt while inside your dream car to put you into a state to attract it. 3) Taking actions like these can really motivate you to take more actions to get what you want. Let’s say you went to a travel agent and found out your dream vacation isn’t going to cost you nearly as much as you thought. Wouldn’t that inspire you to begin saving up for it? Its actions like these that can motivate you to take further actions to reach your goals. 4) Lastly, actions like these stretch you. They pull you out of your comfort zone and let you know that there IS something better out there for you.

Let’s say you’ve never worn really nice clothes before. For instance, there was a time that I didn’t dress as nice as I do now. I remember the first time I went shopping after I had just begun making good money in my new business. I went to a few upscale clothing stores and began trying on some different outfits. After the very first outfit I tried on, I now saw myself in a whole new light. I had previously come from a low-income family and trying on nice clothes for me was like stepping into another world. I was so nervous about the whole experience I was damn near breaking out in a sweat. You would have thought I was trying to steal something by the way I was behaving. It was just that I was so shocked that the low-income person I once was now had the money to buy nice things for himself. I could now finally dress the way I had always wanted to.

I loved the clothes I tried on that day so much that I bought them and within a few months my whole wardrobe was replaced with a brand new one. The whole process of trying on those new clothes motivated me to earn more money so that I could purchase more of what I wanted.

There are two additional items I would like to touch on regarding wanting versus having. The first is BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. A lot of people, after they finish visualizing their ideal life, look around at their current state of affairs and begin to complain about how bad their life is. They talk about how lousy their car is, how miserable their wife makes them, how bad their kids are, how mean their boss is and more. All of this negative talk puts them into a negative vibration to attract more negative experiences into their life. These new negative experiences reinforce their negative self-talk which attracts more negative experiences to them and so on. These people get themselves stuck in a negative cycle. They’re literally pushing away the positive experiences they were just bringing to themselves moments ago.

Now, with that being said, what are you going to do? You’re going to BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. Let’s say you don’t have the car you would like, well you at least have a car right? Be grateful for that now and you will put yourself into a positive vibe to attract more grateful experiences. Let’s say you don’t even have a car, you have feet that work right? You can start by being grateful for that.

I’ll give you an example from my own life. When I first moved to Los Angeles to attend college at the very prestigious and expensive University of Southern California (USC), I had very little money This resulted in me getting a studio apartment in a really bad neighborhood and sleeping on a mattress on the floor as that was all that I could afford. I could have bitched about how small my place was, how bugs sometimes crawled on me while I slept (they really did), how loud the freeway by my apartment was, and much more. Instead I decided to focus on the good. I had an apartment I could afford, was able to attend the school I dreamt of going to, and there was an Arby’s right by my place! (I love Arby’s). Within a short time of attending USC, I met my friend Sam who became my roommate and moved into a beautiful apartment on campus. So be grateful for what you have so you will attract more positive experiences to you.

The next item I want to bring up is that I want you to BELIEVE that you will receive what it is you want. A lot of people after they spend some time imaging and feeling what they want will say to themselves things like; “I’ll never be able to afford that”. “I can never have that” “I’ll never have my dream job/house/car etc.” They’re literally sabotaging the good work they were doing moments ago. There’s a saying, I think it is from Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (someone correct me if I’m wrong) that goes something like “Would you dig up seeds you just placed into the ground?” The answer is “Of course not”. So make sure to water your seeds i.e. the images you want to make manifest by believing that you will receive them.

Let’s say someone would like to increase their belief in the Law of Attraction or in them receiving what it is they want, what can they do? The first I would say is to start with something small. When I first started using the Law of Attraction I visualized someone bringing me a sandwich that had turkey, lettuce and bacon in it. I literally took a nap right after doing that visualization and an hour or two later my workout partner showed up at my house to wake me up for the day’s training. What did he bring with him for me? A turkey, lettuce, and bacon sandwich.

Now what else can someone do to increase their belief or remove any negative thoughts? I would say for them to be grateful for what it is they want as if they already have it. When they do this, they’re no longer thinking about whether it is or isn’t possible to have what they desire. They’ve simply put themselves in a positive state to attract it.

So remember, focus on the END RESULT of what you would like and be grateful for what you have now and what’s coming to you. This will put you into a positive state to attract that and other positive experiences that match up with your vibration.

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