For Part 2:
Vision Boards
A great way to really focus your mind on what you want is through the use of Vision Boards. Basically a Vision Board is a poster board that you paste, tape, or somehow attach pictures to of things that you would like to see manifested in your life. Here is an example of my current Vision Board:
I am going to move to New York soon so I included some pictures of it. There are several pictures of gorgeous women that I would like to see in my life so I included them as well. I also included some pictures of successful people, my perfect car, stacks of money (I love money), and an awesome nightclub in Ibiza as I love the nightlife.
Now why do Vision Boards work and why should you make one? In part one of this talk I said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work to the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day and so on. By constantly focusing your mind on these new images you would like to see in your life, you are retraining your brain and focusing your subconscious to go about bringing these things to you. It will begin to look for new ways to fill the gap between your current life and what it is constantly seeing on your boards.
When you are focusing your mind on these new images, and seeing yourself as having them, you are, through the Law of Attraction, putting yourself into a vibration to attract them. That is the main secret to these boards. When you really see yourself having that ideal person or dream vacation, and feel it as if it is real, you are in a vibration to have it come to you.
Here is something else I would like to elaborate on. Anytime you focus your thoughts on an image; for example let’s you are thinking of an orange car. As you think of this orange car, you are setting off a group of brain cells that will vibrate in response to this image. These vibrations go out and land on people that are in resonance or vibration with them. For instance let’s say you were to hit a key on a piano and a crystal on a nearby chandelier would vibrate, you would say that that crystal was in resonance or in the same vibration with the piano key you just pressed. Just as with the piano, you too can put out vibrations (from your thoughts and images) that will go out and land on people that are in resonance with you and will bring you what you want.
I had this happen recently. I needed a new LCD screen for my computer and was looking at different ones to buy. As I was focusing on how much each one cost, I stopped myself and said, “You know the imaging process. Just focus on the end result” which was me having the computer screen. Shortly thereafter, my brother and some friends received immediate job offers to move to Texas. For whatever reason my brother left his computer here and said I could take whatever I needed. Now here I am typing on my new LCD screen and keyboard (he did say whatever I needed).
Now let’s take the imaging process and Vision Boards one step further. When you are continuously focusing on new images, such as the images in your Vision Board, these new images will begin to form brain cells which will form clusters or groups in your brain. These brain clusters will vibrate right below the conscious surface and will send out vibrations based on what you were thinking about. These new cells are vibrating non-stop right below the conscious surface, all day, attracting to you whatever it is you were focused on. So train your brain to bring it what you would like. Choose thoughts of happiness, love, success, spiritual wellness and more. You ARE the creator of your reality.
Here is something I would like to elaborate on regarding Vision Boards. If you look at my Vision Board you will see that I have Shakira on it. Does that mean that I am actually trying to manifest Shakira? While that would be great, what I am trying to do is manifest someone who has that similar look (and similar qualities as Shakira is great). I go crazy for women with curly blond hair so Shakira is a great example of this. By the way, a few years back I wanted to meet a great woman. So what did I do? I put up a picture of what my ideal woman would like. To me that was Shakira. A few days later I was out with a gorgeous woman who looked just like her. Literally everywhere we would go people would yell “Shakira!” “Shakira” as the resemblance was so uncanny.
One time I was making a new Vision Board for my life and cut out a picture of Jessica Alba. I think she is super sexy and would love to go out with a woman like her. As I was literally pasting the picture to my Vision Board my friend called me and told me that he had this girl that I had to meet. “Tony, there is this girl you have to meet. You’ll never believe who she looks like. She looks just like Jessica Alba!” To which I told him, “You know what? I believe it.” When he came to pick me up so I could meet this new woman, I first brought him inside to see my Vision Board and explained to him the power of the mind.
In some cases of working with Vision Boards I actually manifested the EXACT person I put on the board. Talk about being amazed! Several times I put up high profile clients on my board and within a week or less they were standing in my office. It’s truly amazing what you can do with this stuff once you understand it.
Here is a cautionary note I would like to add in regard to Vision Boards and letting go of your attachments to them. Let’s say a guy would like a brunette woman and puts up a picture of one. The Universe, being all-wise and powerful, sends this man a gorgeous blond-haired woman as it knows they would match up better together. If the man cannot let go of his attachment to his original idea of the brunette woman, he might miss out on a much better relationship for him. Make sense?
I’ll give you another example just to illustrate this fact. When I was living in San Diego I KNEW, absolutely knew that I was going to move back to Los Angeles. I decided to move to the western part of Los Angeles, where Hollywood and the nightclubs are located, and began looking for places. One night while out on a date, the woman I was with introduced me to Pasadena which is a city in the Los Angeles County. Immediately I fell in love with the place. A few weeks later I was living there and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The reason I bring this up is because had I been attached to my original idea of living in West LA, I would have missed out on a place that was a much better suit for me.
When you make a make Vision Board it helps to clarify your desires and goals for your life. You’re no longer unsure of what you would like and can now concentrate your thoughts instead on what you would like to see in your life. It’s such an amazing process and I can’t talk enough about its importance.
Now here is what you would need for a Vision Board.
1) A poster board.
2) Some magazines or pictures of what you would like to see in your life. If you don’t want to buy magazines, or can’t find pictures you like, you can always go online and find pictures of your ideal life. You can then print these pictures out and attach them to your board.
3) Some tapes, tacks, or glue to put your pictures on the boards.
For those of you that might be shy or don’t want others to see your boards, you can always make a Vision Notebook. I got this idea from Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles”. The principle is pretty much the same. You take pictures of your ideal life and paste them onto the pages of a notebook. By notebook I mean a blank notebook, the kind you can write in. You can also buy a notebook, the kind that has 3 rings and is empty inside and put your pictures into that. Simply flip through your notebook once or twice a day and you’re on your way!
Also, you don’t have to have an actual board. Sometimes I see pictures of things I would like and just put them on my wall. The process and end result is the same.
Vision Statements
A similar idea to Vision Boards is the Vision Statement. Basically it is a series of pictures put together onto a slide show that you watch every day. I prefer to watch it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night to really get my day going. I first heard about this idea in a video by Malcolm Cohan:
The fun thing about making Vision Statements is that you can include writing and music to your pictures. It’s a really powerful tool for anyone who wants to use it. For my Vision Statement, I used Microsoft PowerPoint to make it. I am sure there are other programs on the net, some of which are free, that can help you do the same. There are also free 60 day trials of Microsoft PowerPoint that you can download and use to make your Vision Statement.
Vision Wallpaper
A Vision Wallpaper is just like a Vision Board except it acts as the wallpaper/desktop background on your computer screen. You saw mine before:
I love the use of a Vision Wallpaper as it constantly puts you into a good feeling and vibration every time you see it. It is also constantly retraining your brain to bring this stuff to you as you are so focused on it.
For my wallpaper, I simply saved some pictures onto my computer that I liked and used Microsoft Paint, a free program for all Windows users, to put the pictures onto one file. I then saved the file, right clicked it and selected “Set as Desktop Background”.
I will be back tomorrow with how to make audio recordings to train your brain for success. Until then, get to work on your Vision Boards, Statements, and Wallpapers!
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