Thursday, October 9, 2008

Training Your Brain for Success (Part 1 of 3)

Today I am going to talk about how to train your brain for success. Everyone here has certain concepts and ideas about life. Some of these ideas are great and have served the person holding them well, while others have not. If what all the great masters have said is true, that your life is determined by your thoughts, wouldn’t now be a good time to see what it is your thinking? And if what you find is not serving you, wouldn’t now be a good time to change it?

Now some of you might be asking. “How do I know what thoughts I’m thinking and if they’re good or not?” To that I would say, “Just take a look around at what is going on in your life.” Are there certain areas that are causing you pain, trouble, or heartache? Are there parts of your life that you wish would just disappear so you could go through your day peacefully and happily? If you said “Yes” or for some of you “YES!!!!” to either of those questions then this writing for you.

With that being said, here are some ways you can go about changing the thoughts and images you hold in your mind so that it will create a better life for you.

1. Imaging – The first and favorite of mine is IMAGING. Basically imaging is creating an idea in your mind and having that image manifest in your life. I’ve spoken about it in nearly all of my talks and even made a Youtube video about it because I believe IT IS that important. I really can’t stress enough how important this whole process is.

Here is why it is so important; it’s been said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, put your pants on the same way, etc… All of this is handled by the SUBCONSCIOUS PART OF YOUR MIND. By subconscious I mean that part of your mind that is right below the conscious surface. It’s where our memories and habits reside and also the part of our mind that takes care of all our bodily functions. For instance, you don’t tell your heart to beat, that is all handled by the subconscious part of you.

Now what does this have to do with imaging? By forming an image and holding it in your mind for a certain period of time, this image will form a concept in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious will then go to work on manifesting this image in your life. So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas you want to see take place in your life. By the way, your subconscious cannot tell the difference between what’s real and what’s false. It will go to work to create any images you give it. Say for instance that you’re poor and begin to visualize yourself as being successful. Your subconscious will go to work to create that image just as it would if you were to keep feeding it images of your current situation. So feed it what you want to see in your life!!!

If you had a man that was obese, and wanted to get healthy, would you keep feeding him unhealthy foods? Of course not. You would feed him foods that were in line with a healthy diet. The same goes for your mind and images. If you’re unhappy in certain areas of your life, it’s time you start taking action, maybe a few minutes a day, to visualize how you would like your ideal life to be. Really feel the feelings of it taking place right now. The more emotion your images have, the faster they will become lodged in the subconscious part of your mind and the faster it will go to work on creating them in your life.

On a physical level, when you begin forming new images in your mind, you’re literally forming new neural pathways and brain cells in your brain associated with these new images. That’s why I think it sometimes takes time to break an old way of thinking about something. You have to literally starve off those old pathways associated with your former way of thinking as you feed these new positive ones.

Now I‘m going to take this one step further and talk about the Law of Vibration/Attraction in regard to your thoughts. If I were to take you, yes YOU, and place you under a strong enough microscope, you would see that you are vibrating. All of your cells are in a rate of vibration; it’s just that this is imperceptible to the human eye. Now, what does this have to do with your brain? Remember when I said there are two parts of your mind; the conscious and the subconscious? Well, within your brain are millions upon millions of brain cells that are vibrating. When you think of something such as a car, you've just caused a series of brain cells to begin vibrating. That vibration is being sent out from your cells and landing onto the brains of people who are responsive i.e. in the same vibration as you.

When you think of something long enough, it forms a cluster of cells or a “concept” in your subconscious mind. These cells are vibrating continuously right below the conscious surface and are attracting people to you. That’s why it is so important to form concepts about what you would like to see manifested in your life. These concepts vibrate continuously, right below the conscious surface, and are attracting to you, all-day, nonstop, the ideas associated with them.

Try this exercise. Go in a crowded place. Start thinking really happy loving thoughts and see what happens after a few minutes. Then try thinking really angry pissed off thoughts and see what happens (maybe don't try the latter). People will respond. The vibrations you are giving off will go out into the crowd and land on people who are in the same vibration as you.

On a higher spiritual level, through the imaging process you are transmitting to God/The Universe/The Mass Consciousness (pick what you would like to call it), what it is you would like to see manifested in your life. The image you are holding in your mind, puts you into a certain feeling or vibration, which is being transferred out to the world and based on your vibration, you are attracting what is coming into your life.

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