Friday, October 24, 2008

Audio Recordings - Improve Your Brain! Improve Your LIFE!!!

This write-up is really an add-on to “Train Your Brain for Success”.

A GREAT, and I mean GREAT way to train your brain for success is through the use of audio recordings. By audio recordings, I mean recordings you either do yourself or purchase pre-made to listen to that contain positive affirmations. The purpose of the recordings is to change your internal self-talk to one that is more positive through constant repetition of the material. For those that are into the Law of Attraction, as your thoughts become more positive, so will whatever you attract into your life. Also, if you are talking more positively to yourself, you will be willing to take more positive actions which will lead to more positive results for you.

Recently I picked up a copy of Succeed and Grow Rich through Persuasion by Napoleon Hill that dealt with this concept. In the book Hill talks about how when one is asleep, their subconscious mind is completely open to suggestions. A suggestion is “is the name given to the psychological process by which one person may guide the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another”. For instance, some kids are told by their parents how good looking they are. When these kids grow up, they might see themselves as attractive thanks to the positive suggestions of their parents. Now, back to Hill’s book. In the book Hill proposed that in the future a time would come when people would have audio recordings that would play while they sleep. As the person’s conscious mind was not awake to filter out the recording’s suggestions, whatever was on the recording would go straight into their subconscious mind which would go about manifesting it in their life. As over 90% of what you do is subconscious, impregnating your subconscious with these new powerful suggestions could have an amazingly positive impact on your life. As I was reading that chapter a light bulb went off in my head “Hey, we have that now!” and I decided to put this method to the test.

So with my newfound inspiration, I went to my local Target store and bought a $10 microphone for my computer. I then used the free program “Sound Recorder” (for Windows users go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder) which comes customary with all Windows packages to make a recording of a series of affirmations. The affirmations went something like this:
I am wealthy and successful.
I am well-sexed.
I am confident.
I am wise.
I am happy.
I am loved.
I am wealthy.
I am great with my finances.
My life is great.
I’m in great shape.
My clothes are of the latest trend and fashion.
I enjoy a life of peace and prosperity,
I am whole, perfect, harmonious, and happy.
I express myself clearly and confidently.

And so on. I then downloaded a free alarm clock at that plays MP3 files and installed it on my computer. As my computer is in my room, every night at 3:00AM my audio recording comes on and plays for several hours until I wake up for my day.

I have to say, the results have been enlightening. The first few days I did this I started having the most amazing dreams. It’s been said that dreams are your subconscious mind working out your problems/issues while you sleep. If that is the case, my subconscious definitely liked what I was feeding it now. Dreams of me being super successful, surrounded by stunning women, and living my most amazing life were all that would flood my mind (what a great way to sleep). Within a week or so of doing this technique I was offered a new job with better pay, I physically look the best I have ever looked, and I have been getting phone numbers from women nearly everywhere I go. Internally I feel the best I have ever felt and even started this blog after doing this exercise.

I also did a similar recording for a friend of mine who is a young single man trying to raise a daughter. His went something like this:
I am an excellent father.
I am kind, loving, and understanding with my daughter.
I am an excellent provider for my family.
I am in great shape.
I feel good about my life.
Good things are coming to me in all areas of my life now.
I am well-rewarded; physically, mentally, and spiritually for all the good work that I do.
I eat healthy balanced meals and my body looks and feels great.
I am confident

And so on. I even did a second track for him that had the following bonuses. In the first track where it said “I am an excellent father” I then added two more affirmations after that “You are an excellent father” & “Roger is an excellent father” (his name is Roger). The first of the two new affirmations “You are an excellent father” conveys to his mind the image of someone telling him that he is an excellent father. It’s always great to tell yourself something good but sometimes it feels just as good, if not better, to hear it from someone else. The second of the new affirmations “Roger is an excellent father” conveys to his mind the image of him hearing someone else talk about him in a positive way. By adding in these additional affirmations his mind is now receiving these powerful suggestions in the first, second, and third person. The first person would be the “I am”, the second is the “You are” and the third is the “Roger is”.

For those of you that don’t have the time or desire to make your own recordings, there are good resources out there such as Shad Helmstetter’s Self-Talk CDs. Helmstetter is the author of the best selling book: “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” and has a series of CDs that cover:

Helmstetter has a really powerful and motivating voice that comes through great on the CDs. Each CD has four tracks on it that vary from eight to thirteen minutes in length. I use to listen to these CDs quite frequently while driving in my car or while working on my computer. In fact, now that I think about it, I might start playing some of these CDs again as they really have a good tone to them. The CDs have a ton of powerful affirmations on them and are done in both the first “I am” and second “You are” tones of voice. By the way, when I first started listening to these CDs my business had a positive increase in sales by something like $8000 in one month.

While purchasing pre-made CDs is great, I like the process of making my own recordings as well. It allows me to work on specific key issues that I might be facing or to include something specific I would like in my life. For instance I can add in my recordings: “I enjoy living in my beautiful Penthouse”, “I sleep at a healthy time every night and wake up feeling great”. And so on. Whatever I would like to really key in on, I can.

Notes Regarding Audio Recordings:
1) If you have a recording set to play while you sleep, please check its volume level PRIOR to sleeping. The first few times I set my recordings to play, I didn’t realize how loud they would be. The result was that at 3:00AM I would be woken up abruptly from my sleep by my own voice telling me how awesome I am.

2) You can hear at a much lower level subconsciously then you can consciously. Why is this important? When you sleep or while you work, you can have your recordings playing in the background at lower level then normal. These recordings will literally go to work changing your self-talk as you go about your normal day. There is a great story Helmstetter tells about how he use to have his weight-loss self-talk cassette (they were on cassette at that time) play while he shaved every morning. In 10 ½ weeks while listening to the cassettes, he lost 38lbs!!! And he wasn’t on a diet. Also, his wife, who use to share the same mirror every morning to put on her makeup, lost 25 lbs simply by overhearing the messages played in the recording.

3) There are several good free programs online that you can use to make audio recordings. I just downloaded the recording program “Audacity” to see if it is any good.

So whether you purchase some CDs or decide to make your own, I hope you realize the potential of using audio recordings to improve your brain and your life.

1 comment:

guest said...

Love this tip Tony!

I did this and it helped to improve my mood.

What type of business are you in?

-- Caleb