“Do not waste time idling, or thinking after you have set your goals”. The previous quote was taken from Miyamoto Musashi’s Book of Five Rings. For those unfamiliar as to whom Musashi is, he was, in my opinion, Japan’s greatest swordsmen and one of its greatest samurai. Musashi was so skilled in the art of the sword that he once used a wooden boat oar that he carved into a booken (Japanese wooden sword) to kill a man in a duel.
The simplicity of Musashi’s message is so powerful and so seemingly overlooked by so many: “Do not waste time idling, or thinking after you have set your goals”. How many people, after they have set their goals, sit around thinking “Is this possible?” “Can I do it?” “Is it worth it?” “Will people still like me?” and so on. They’re literally self-sabotaging the positive events they set into motion only moments ago.
As Joseph Murphy, author of the book The Power of Your Subconscious Mind likes to say “When you place a seed in the ground, you do not dig it up. You let it take root and grow”. Once you have an intention or set a goal, allow it to grow. Feed it, nurture it, give it the sunshine and warmth it needs so it can grow and bloom beautifully. By feeding and nurturing, I mean to think positively about its manifestation. See it coming into your life as you would like it to be. If you have to think about your goals, think about them positively. Get excited about the good things coming your way and be grateful for their arrival.
Speaking of gratitude, a great way to start attracting (or keep attracting for some of you) more positive experiences into your life is to start being grateful for what you have right now. By being grateful for your current reality, you are putting yourself into a vibration to attract more experiences that you can be grateful about. The vibration of gratitude is one of the highest states you can be in. Through it you can attract virtually anything you need for a healthy successful life.
Now back to Musashi’s quote: ““Do not waste time idling, or thinking after you have set your goals” This reminds of the saying “Plan your work, and work your plan”. Once you have set your goals, go to work on them. Don’t wait for the right time, or the right day, or the right person, or when the stars are in the proper alignment, or when that girl or boy finally likes you. If you want life to work sometimes you have to work for life. You have to take action on that business you’ve been thinking about, or ask out that girl you’ve always wanted to date, or sign-up for that gym you’ve wanted to go to. By taking action you’ll open up doors to bring you what you like, oftentimes in inexplicable ways.
I’ll give you an example from my own life. When I was at the University of Southern California, I knew I wanted to start a business. I wasn’t sure as to what kind but I knew I wanted to start my own. While I was thinking about this, I received a phone call from my cousin Dominic that would dramatically change my life “Hey Tony, I am going into clothing design and need a good manufacturer. Can you find me one?” I said yes and told my cousin that I would either charge him a fee for finding a good manufacturer or receive a commission from the manufacturer for bringing him a client. At this same time in my life I was getting really heavily into kickboxing and asked former Ultimate Fighting Heavyweight Champion Bas Rutten if he would train me. Rutten said no as he was no longer training people, asked me what I did, to which I told him, and then he told me he needed some clothing done. That one “Yes” I said to my cousin started a partnership with Rutten and I that became profitable for us both. Also, as I working with Rutten, I was able to meet Dr. Peter Goldman, DC, an amazing teacher and the chiropractor to a lot of famous fighters. Dr. Goldman introduced me to the work of Dr. Thurman Fleet, a man who taught how one can achieve health and happiness through a knowledge and application of the laws of the body, mind, and Soul. Dr. Fleet’s work drastically changed my life for the better and makes up the foundation for what I am sharing with you.
By saying yes to that one question I was able to; start a business which helped thousands of people get into shape, find a great gym (through Bas) to learn kickboxing at, started a profitable business while still in college, and become healthy thanks to Dr. Goldman, Concept-Therapy (Dr. Fleet founded Concept-Therapy), and Zone Healing (Zone Healing is a chiropractic technique created by Dr. Fleet).
So set your goals down and get to work on them! For those that have not set goals before; a goal is: “the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end”. For instance your goal might be to lose 15lbs in 3 months. If you currently weigh 150lbs, at the end of the 3 months you should weigh 135lbs. Goals should be quantifiable. As Jack Canfield likes to say in his book The Success Principles, goals should tell you “How Much, By When”. So for instance if I wanted to earn $15,000 next month, I could say “I will have earned $15,000 by midnight November 30th, 2008”. On November 30th I will either have that $15000 or I won’t.
For my goals, I like to have 30 and 60 day goals that I actively work towards. Right now I actually have a countdown timer on my computer displaying how many days and hours I have left for me to reach my 60 day goals. I like to keep my goals within a 30 to 60 day period as I really feel and notice the impact of them. I also set goals for each week based on my larger 30-60 day goals.
So get to work! And I will see you back here soon.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Want a boyfriend or girlfriend? Do this.
Grab a pen and paper and write "My Perfect Girlfriend" or "My Perfect Boyfriend" at the top of the page. Then write out ALL of your perfect mate's qualities; hair, eye color, how they behave with you, EVERYTHING. I mean REALLY go crazy with it. After you finish that, put up a picture of someone that looks fairly close to what your ideal person would look like. I then want you to write one powerful affirmation that you will say to yourself to get you in the right feeling to attract this person.
I use to use; "I am excitedly walking down the street holding hands with my gorgeous curly blond haired girlfriend". For my picture I put up a picture of Shakira. A few days later I was walking down the street holding hands with a gorgeous curly blond haired woman. In fact I met two more women after that one who both had blond curly hair and I had a great time with all 3.
So try it! REALLY put some feeling behind it. See yourself with your ideal person and then say your affirmation to yourself. After saying it, visualize again your ideal situation.
For your affirmation it has to have a descriptive word and a verb, " I am excitedly walking..." "I am passionately kissing" "I am playfully squeezing" etc....
So try it! and let me know how it goes.
PS - Make sure to hold the image for at least 1-2 minutes. It's been said that it takes at least 33 seconds for a concept to be implanted into your subconscious. I ask for a minute or two just to make sure it really gets in there.
I use to use; "I am excitedly walking down the street holding hands with my gorgeous curly blond haired girlfriend". For my picture I put up a picture of Shakira. A few days later I was walking down the street holding hands with a gorgeous curly blond haired woman. In fact I met two more women after that one who both had blond curly hair and I had a great time with all 3.
So try it! REALLY put some feeling behind it. See yourself with your ideal person and then say your affirmation to yourself. After saying it, visualize again your ideal situation.
For your affirmation it has to have a descriptive word and a verb, " I am excitedly walking..." "I am passionately kissing" "I am playfully squeezing" etc....
So try it! and let me know how it goes.
PS - Make sure to hold the image for at least 1-2 minutes. It's been said that it takes at least 33 seconds for a concept to be implanted into your subconscious. I ask for a minute or two just to make sure it really gets in there.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Audio Recordings - Improve Your Brain! Improve Your LIFE!!!
This write-up is really an add-on to “Train Your Brain for Success”.
A GREAT, and I mean GREAT way to train your brain for success is through the use of audio recordings. By audio recordings, I mean recordings you either do yourself or purchase pre-made to listen to that contain positive affirmations. The purpose of the recordings is to change your internal self-talk to one that is more positive through constant repetition of the material. For those that are into the Law of Attraction, as your thoughts become more positive, so will whatever you attract into your life. Also, if you are talking more positively to yourself, you will be willing to take more positive actions which will lead to more positive results for you.
Recently I picked up a copy of Succeed and Grow Rich through Persuasion by Napoleon Hill that dealt with this concept. In the book Hill talks about how when one is asleep, their subconscious mind is completely open to suggestions. A suggestion is “is the name given to the psychological process by which one person may guide the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another”. For instance, some kids are told by their parents how good looking they are. When these kids grow up, they might see themselves as attractive thanks to the positive suggestions of their parents. Now, back to Hill’s book. In the book Hill proposed that in the future a time would come when people would have audio recordings that would play while they sleep. As the person’s conscious mind was not awake to filter out the recording’s suggestions, whatever was on the recording would go straight into their subconscious mind which would go about manifesting it in their life. As over 90% of what you do is subconscious, impregnating your subconscious with these new powerful suggestions could have an amazingly positive impact on your life. As I was reading that chapter a light bulb went off in my head “Hey, we have that now!” and I decided to put this method to the test.
So with my newfound inspiration, I went to my local Target store and bought a $10 microphone for my computer. I then used the free program “Sound Recorder” (for Windows users go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder) which comes customary with all Windows packages to make a recording of a series of affirmations. The affirmations went something like this:
I am wealthy and successful.
I am well-sexed.
I am confident.
I am wise.
I am happy.
I am loved.
I am wealthy.
I am great with my finances.
My life is great.
I’m in great shape.
My clothes are of the latest trend and fashion.
I enjoy a life of peace and prosperity,
I am whole, perfect, harmonious, and happy.
I express myself clearly and confidently.
And so on. I then downloaded a free alarm clock at that plays MP3 files and installed it on my computer. As my computer is in my room, every night at 3:00AM my audio recording comes on and plays for several hours until I wake up for my day.
I have to say, the results have been enlightening. The first few days I did this I started having the most amazing dreams. It’s been said that dreams are your subconscious mind working out your problems/issues while you sleep. If that is the case, my subconscious definitely liked what I was feeding it now. Dreams of me being super successful, surrounded by stunning women, and living my most amazing life were all that would flood my mind (what a great way to sleep). Within a week or so of doing this technique I was offered a new job with better pay, I physically look the best I have ever looked, and I have been getting phone numbers from women nearly everywhere I go. Internally I feel the best I have ever felt and even started this blog after doing this exercise.
I also did a similar recording for a friend of mine who is a young single man trying to raise a daughter. His went something like this:
I am an excellent father.
I am kind, loving, and understanding with my daughter.
I am an excellent provider for my family.
I am in great shape.
I feel good about my life.
Good things are coming to me in all areas of my life now.
I am well-rewarded; physically, mentally, and spiritually for all the good work that I do.
I eat healthy balanced meals and my body looks and feels great.
I am confident
And so on. I even did a second track for him that had the following bonuses. In the first track where it said “I am an excellent father” I then added two more affirmations after that “You are an excellent father” & “Roger is an excellent father” (his name is Roger). The first of the two new affirmations “You are an excellent father” conveys to his mind the image of someone telling him that he is an excellent father. It’s always great to tell yourself something good but sometimes it feels just as good, if not better, to hear it from someone else. The second of the new affirmations “Roger is an excellent father” conveys to his mind the image of him hearing someone else talk about him in a positive way. By adding in these additional affirmations his mind is now receiving these powerful suggestions in the first, second, and third person. The first person would be the “I am”, the second is the “You are” and the third is the “Roger is”.
For those of you that don’t have the time or desire to make your own recordings, there are good resources out there such as Shad Helmstetter’s Self-Talk CDs. Helmstetter is the author of the best selling book: “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” and has a series of CDs that cover:
Helmstetter has a really powerful and motivating voice that comes through great on the CDs. Each CD has four tracks on it that vary from eight to thirteen minutes in length. I use to listen to these CDs quite frequently while driving in my car or while working on my computer. In fact, now that I think about it, I might start playing some of these CDs again as they really have a good tone to them. The CDs have a ton of powerful affirmations on them and are done in both the first “I am” and second “You are” tones of voice. By the way, when I first started listening to these CDs my business had a positive increase in sales by something like $8000 in one month.
While purchasing pre-made CDs is great, I like the process of making my own recordings as well. It allows me to work on specific key issues that I might be facing or to include something specific I would like in my life. For instance I can add in my recordings: “I enjoy living in my beautiful Penthouse”, “I sleep at a healthy time every night and wake up feeling great”. And so on. Whatever I would like to really key in on, I can.
Notes Regarding Audio Recordings:
1) If you have a recording set to play while you sleep, please check its volume level PRIOR to sleeping. The first few times I set my recordings to play, I didn’t realize how loud they would be. The result was that at 3:00AM I would be woken up abruptly from my sleep by my own voice telling me how awesome I am.
2) You can hear at a much lower level subconsciously then you can consciously. Why is this important? When you sleep or while you work, you can have your recordings playing in the background at lower level then normal. These recordings will literally go to work changing your self-talk as you go about your normal day. There is a great story Helmstetter tells about how he use to have his weight-loss self-talk cassette (they were on cassette at that time) play while he shaved every morning. In 10 ½ weeks while listening to the cassettes, he lost 38lbs!!! And he wasn’t on a diet. Also, his wife, who use to share the same mirror every morning to put on her makeup, lost 25 lbs simply by overhearing the messages played in the recording.
3) There are several good free programs online that you can use to make audio recordings. I just downloaded the recording program “Audacity” to see if it is any good.
So whether you purchase some CDs or decide to make your own, I hope you realize the potential of using audio recordings to improve your brain and your life.
A GREAT, and I mean GREAT way to train your brain for success is through the use of audio recordings. By audio recordings, I mean recordings you either do yourself or purchase pre-made to listen to that contain positive affirmations. The purpose of the recordings is to change your internal self-talk to one that is more positive through constant repetition of the material. For those that are into the Law of Attraction, as your thoughts become more positive, so will whatever you attract into your life. Also, if you are talking more positively to yourself, you will be willing to take more positive actions which will lead to more positive results for you.
Recently I picked up a copy of Succeed and Grow Rich through Persuasion by Napoleon Hill that dealt with this concept. In the book Hill talks about how when one is asleep, their subconscious mind is completely open to suggestions. A suggestion is “is the name given to the psychological process by which one person may guide the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another”. For instance, some kids are told by their parents how good looking they are. When these kids grow up, they might see themselves as attractive thanks to the positive suggestions of their parents. Now, back to Hill’s book. In the book Hill proposed that in the future a time would come when people would have audio recordings that would play while they sleep. As the person’s conscious mind was not awake to filter out the recording’s suggestions, whatever was on the recording would go straight into their subconscious mind which would go about manifesting it in their life. As over 90% of what you do is subconscious, impregnating your subconscious with these new powerful suggestions could have an amazingly positive impact on your life. As I was reading that chapter a light bulb went off in my head “Hey, we have that now!” and I decided to put this method to the test.
So with my newfound inspiration, I went to my local Target store and bought a $10 microphone for my computer. I then used the free program “Sound Recorder” (for Windows users go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder) which comes customary with all Windows packages to make a recording of a series of affirmations. The affirmations went something like this:
I am wealthy and successful.
I am well-sexed.
I am confident.
I am wise.
I am happy.
I am loved.
I am wealthy.
I am great with my finances.
My life is great.
I’m in great shape.
My clothes are of the latest trend and fashion.
I enjoy a life of peace and prosperity,
I am whole, perfect, harmonious, and happy.
I express myself clearly and confidently.
And so on. I then downloaded a free alarm clock at that plays MP3 files and installed it on my computer. As my computer is in my room, every night at 3:00AM my audio recording comes on and plays for several hours until I wake up for my day.
I have to say, the results have been enlightening. The first few days I did this I started having the most amazing dreams. It’s been said that dreams are your subconscious mind working out your problems/issues while you sleep. If that is the case, my subconscious definitely liked what I was feeding it now. Dreams of me being super successful, surrounded by stunning women, and living my most amazing life were all that would flood my mind (what a great way to sleep). Within a week or so of doing this technique I was offered a new job with better pay, I physically look the best I have ever looked, and I have been getting phone numbers from women nearly everywhere I go. Internally I feel the best I have ever felt and even started this blog after doing this exercise.
I also did a similar recording for a friend of mine who is a young single man trying to raise a daughter. His went something like this:
I am an excellent father.
I am kind, loving, and understanding with my daughter.
I am an excellent provider for my family.
I am in great shape.
I feel good about my life.
Good things are coming to me in all areas of my life now.
I am well-rewarded; physically, mentally, and spiritually for all the good work that I do.
I eat healthy balanced meals and my body looks and feels great.
I am confident
And so on. I even did a second track for him that had the following bonuses. In the first track where it said “I am an excellent father” I then added two more affirmations after that “You are an excellent father” & “Roger is an excellent father” (his name is Roger). The first of the two new affirmations “You are an excellent father” conveys to his mind the image of someone telling him that he is an excellent father. It’s always great to tell yourself something good but sometimes it feels just as good, if not better, to hear it from someone else. The second of the new affirmations “Roger is an excellent father” conveys to his mind the image of him hearing someone else talk about him in a positive way. By adding in these additional affirmations his mind is now receiving these powerful suggestions in the first, second, and third person. The first person would be the “I am”, the second is the “You are” and the third is the “Roger is”.
For those of you that don’t have the time or desire to make your own recordings, there are good resources out there such as Shad Helmstetter’s Self-Talk CDs. Helmstetter is the author of the best selling book: “What to Say When You Talk to Yourself” and has a series of CDs that cover:
Helmstetter has a really powerful and motivating voice that comes through great on the CDs. Each CD has four tracks on it that vary from eight to thirteen minutes in length. I use to listen to these CDs quite frequently while driving in my car or while working on my computer. In fact, now that I think about it, I might start playing some of these CDs again as they really have a good tone to them. The CDs have a ton of powerful affirmations on them and are done in both the first “I am” and second “You are” tones of voice. By the way, when I first started listening to these CDs my business had a positive increase in sales by something like $8000 in one month.
While purchasing pre-made CDs is great, I like the process of making my own recordings as well. It allows me to work on specific key issues that I might be facing or to include something specific I would like in my life. For instance I can add in my recordings: “I enjoy living in my beautiful Penthouse”, “I sleep at a healthy time every night and wake up feeling great”. And so on. Whatever I would like to really key in on, I can.
Notes Regarding Audio Recordings:
1) If you have a recording set to play while you sleep, please check its volume level PRIOR to sleeping. The first few times I set my recordings to play, I didn’t realize how loud they would be. The result was that at 3:00AM I would be woken up abruptly from my sleep by my own voice telling me how awesome I am.
2) You can hear at a much lower level subconsciously then you can consciously. Why is this important? When you sleep or while you work, you can have your recordings playing in the background at lower level then normal. These recordings will literally go to work changing your self-talk as you go about your normal day. There is a great story Helmstetter tells about how he use to have his weight-loss self-talk cassette (they were on cassette at that time) play while he shaved every morning. In 10 ½ weeks while listening to the cassettes, he lost 38lbs!!! And he wasn’t on a diet. Also, his wife, who use to share the same mirror every morning to put on her makeup, lost 25 lbs simply by overhearing the messages played in the recording.
3) There are several good free programs online that you can use to make audio recordings. I just downloaded the recording program “Audacity” to see if it is any good.
So whether you purchase some CDs or decide to make your own, I hope you realize the potential of using audio recordings to improve your brain and your life.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Training Your Brain for Success (Part 3 of 3); Vision Boards, Statements, & Wallpapers
For Part 1:
For Part 2:
Vision Boards
A great way to really focus your mind on what you want is through the use of Vision Boards. Basically a Vision Board is a poster board that you paste, tape, or somehow attach pictures to of things that you would like to see manifested in your life. Here is an example of my current Vision Board:

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
I am going to move to New York soon so I included some pictures of it. There are several pictures of gorgeous women that I would like to see in my life so I included them as well. I also included some pictures of successful people, my perfect car, stacks of money (I love money), and an awesome nightclub in Ibiza as I love the nightlife.
Now why do Vision Boards work and why should you make one? In part one of this talk I said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work to the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day and so on. By constantly focusing your mind on these new images you would like to see in your life, you are retraining your brain and focusing your subconscious to go about bringing these things to you. It will begin to look for new ways to fill the gap between your current life and what it is constantly seeing on your boards.
When you are focusing your mind on these new images, and seeing yourself as having them, you are, through the Law of Attraction, putting yourself into a vibration to attract them. That is the main secret to these boards. When you really see yourself having that ideal person or dream vacation, and feel it as if it is real, you are in a vibration to have it come to you.
Here is something else I would like to elaborate on. Anytime you focus your thoughts on an image; for example let’s you are thinking of an orange car. As you think of this orange car, you are setting off a group of brain cells that will vibrate in response to this image. These vibrations go out and land on people that are in resonance or vibration with them. For instance let’s say you were to hit a key on a piano and a crystal on a nearby chandelier would vibrate, you would say that that crystal was in resonance or in the same vibration with the piano key you just pressed. Just as with the piano, you too can put out vibrations (from your thoughts and images) that will go out and land on people that are in resonance with you and will bring you what you want.
I had this happen recently. I needed a new LCD screen for my computer and was looking at different ones to buy. As I was focusing on how much each one cost, I stopped myself and said, “You know the imaging process. Just focus on the end result” which was me having the computer screen. Shortly thereafter, my brother and some friends received immediate job offers to move to Texas. For whatever reason my brother left his computer here and said I could take whatever I needed. Now here I am typing on my new LCD screen and keyboard (he did say whatever I needed).
Now let’s take the imaging process and Vision Boards one step further. When you are continuously focusing on new images, such as the images in your Vision Board, these new images will begin to form brain cells which will form clusters or groups in your brain. These brain clusters will vibrate right below the conscious surface and will send out vibrations based on what you were thinking about. These new cells are vibrating non-stop right below the conscious surface, all day, attracting to you whatever it is you were focused on. So train your brain to bring it what you would like. Choose thoughts of happiness, love, success, spiritual wellness and more. You ARE the creator of your reality.
Here is something I would like to elaborate on regarding Vision Boards. If you look at my Vision Board you will see that I have Shakira on it. Does that mean that I am actually trying to manifest Shakira? While that would be great, what I am trying to do is manifest someone who has that similar look (and similar qualities as Shakira is great). I go crazy for women with curly blond hair so Shakira is a great example of this. By the way, a few years back I wanted to meet a great woman. So what did I do? I put up a picture of what my ideal woman would like. To me that was Shakira. A few days later I was out with a gorgeous woman who looked just like her. Literally everywhere we would go people would yell “Shakira!” “Shakira” as the resemblance was so uncanny.
One time I was making a new Vision Board for my life and cut out a picture of Jessica Alba. I think she is super sexy and would love to go out with a woman like her. As I was literally pasting the picture to my Vision Board my friend called me and told me that he had this girl that I had to meet. “Tony, there is this girl you have to meet. You’ll never believe who she looks like. She looks just like Jessica Alba!” To which I told him, “You know what? I believe it.” When he came to pick me up so I could meet this new woman, I first brought him inside to see my Vision Board and explained to him the power of the mind.
In some cases of working with Vision Boards I actually manifested the EXACT person I put on the board. Talk about being amazed! Several times I put up high profile clients on my board and within a week or less they were standing in my office. It’s truly amazing what you can do with this stuff once you understand it.
Here is a cautionary note I would like to add in regard to Vision Boards and letting go of your attachments to them. Let’s say a guy would like a brunette woman and puts up a picture of one. The Universe, being all-wise and powerful, sends this man a gorgeous blond-haired woman as it knows they would match up better together. If the man cannot let go of his attachment to his original idea of the brunette woman, he might miss out on a much better relationship for him. Make sense?
I’ll give you another example just to illustrate this fact. When I was living in San Diego I KNEW, absolutely knew that I was going to move back to Los Angeles. I decided to move to the western part of Los Angeles, where Hollywood and the nightclubs are located, and began looking for places. One night while out on a date, the woman I was with introduced me to Pasadena which is a city in the Los Angeles County. Immediately I fell in love with the place. A few weeks later I was living there and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The reason I bring this up is because had I been attached to my original idea of living in West LA, I would have missed out on a place that was a much better suit for me.
When you make a make Vision Board it helps to clarify your desires and goals for your life. You’re no longer unsure of what you would like and can now concentrate your thoughts instead on what you would like to see in your life. It’s such an amazing process and I can’t talk enough about its importance.
Now here is what you would need for a Vision Board.
1) A poster board.
2) Some magazines or pictures of what you would like to see in your life. If you don’t want to buy magazines, or can’t find pictures you like, you can always go online and find pictures of your ideal life. You can then print these pictures out and attach them to your board.
3) Some tapes, tacks, or glue to put your pictures on the boards.
For those of you that might be shy or don’t want others to see your boards, you can always make a Vision Notebook. I got this idea from Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles”. The principle is pretty much the same. You take pictures of your ideal life and paste them onto the pages of a notebook. By notebook I mean a blank notebook, the kind you can write in. You can also buy a notebook, the kind that has 3 rings and is empty inside and put your pictures into that. Simply flip through your notebook once or twice a day and you’re on your way!
Also, you don’t have to have an actual board. Sometimes I see pictures of things I would like and just put them on my wall. The process and end result is the same.
Vision Statements
A similar idea to Vision Boards is the Vision Statement. Basically it is a series of pictures put together onto a slide show that you watch every day. I prefer to watch it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night to really get my day going. I first heard about this idea in a video by Malcolm Cohan:
The fun thing about making Vision Statements is that you can include writing and music to your pictures. It’s a really powerful tool for anyone who wants to use it. For my Vision Statement, I used Microsoft PowerPoint to make it. I am sure there are other programs on the net, some of which are free, that can help you do the same. There are also free 60 day trials of Microsoft PowerPoint that you can download and use to make your Vision Statement.
Vision Wallpaper
A Vision Wallpaper is just like a Vision Board except it acts as the wallpaper/desktop background on your computer screen. You saw mine before:

Quickpost this image to Myspace, Digg, Facebook, and others!
I love the use of a Vision Wallpaper as it constantly puts you into a good feeling and vibration every time you see it. It is also constantly retraining your brain to bring this stuff to you as you are so focused on it.
For my wallpaper, I simply saved some pictures onto my computer that I liked and used Microsoft Paint, a free program for all Windows users, to put the pictures onto one file. I then saved the file, right clicked it and selected “Set as Desktop Background”.
I will be back tomorrow with how to make audio recordings to train your brain for success. Until then, get to work on your Vision Boards, Statements, and Wallpapers!
For Part 2:
Vision Boards
A great way to really focus your mind on what you want is through the use of Vision Boards. Basically a Vision Board is a poster board that you paste, tape, or somehow attach pictures to of things that you would like to see manifested in your life. Here is an example of my current Vision Board:
I am going to move to New York soon so I included some pictures of it. There are several pictures of gorgeous women that I would like to see in my life so I included them as well. I also included some pictures of successful people, my perfect car, stacks of money (I love money), and an awesome nightclub in Ibiza as I love the nightlife.
Now why do Vision Boards work and why should you make one? In part one of this talk I said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work to the same way every day, put your pants on the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day and so on. By constantly focusing your mind on these new images you would like to see in your life, you are retraining your brain and focusing your subconscious to go about bringing these things to you. It will begin to look for new ways to fill the gap between your current life and what it is constantly seeing on your boards.
When you are focusing your mind on these new images, and seeing yourself as having them, you are, through the Law of Attraction, putting yourself into a vibration to attract them. That is the main secret to these boards. When you really see yourself having that ideal person or dream vacation, and feel it as if it is real, you are in a vibration to have it come to you.
Here is something else I would like to elaborate on. Anytime you focus your thoughts on an image; for example let’s you are thinking of an orange car. As you think of this orange car, you are setting off a group of brain cells that will vibrate in response to this image. These vibrations go out and land on people that are in resonance or vibration with them. For instance let’s say you were to hit a key on a piano and a crystal on a nearby chandelier would vibrate, you would say that that crystal was in resonance or in the same vibration with the piano key you just pressed. Just as with the piano, you too can put out vibrations (from your thoughts and images) that will go out and land on people that are in resonance with you and will bring you what you want.
I had this happen recently. I needed a new LCD screen for my computer and was looking at different ones to buy. As I was focusing on how much each one cost, I stopped myself and said, “You know the imaging process. Just focus on the end result” which was me having the computer screen. Shortly thereafter, my brother and some friends received immediate job offers to move to Texas. For whatever reason my brother left his computer here and said I could take whatever I needed. Now here I am typing on my new LCD screen and keyboard (he did say whatever I needed).
Now let’s take the imaging process and Vision Boards one step further. When you are continuously focusing on new images, such as the images in your Vision Board, these new images will begin to form brain cells which will form clusters or groups in your brain. These brain clusters will vibrate right below the conscious surface and will send out vibrations based on what you were thinking about. These new cells are vibrating non-stop right below the conscious surface, all day, attracting to you whatever it is you were focused on. So train your brain to bring it what you would like. Choose thoughts of happiness, love, success, spiritual wellness and more. You ARE the creator of your reality.
Here is something I would like to elaborate on regarding Vision Boards. If you look at my Vision Board you will see that I have Shakira on it. Does that mean that I am actually trying to manifest Shakira? While that would be great, what I am trying to do is manifest someone who has that similar look (and similar qualities as Shakira is great). I go crazy for women with curly blond hair so Shakira is a great example of this. By the way, a few years back I wanted to meet a great woman. So what did I do? I put up a picture of what my ideal woman would like. To me that was Shakira. A few days later I was out with a gorgeous woman who looked just like her. Literally everywhere we would go people would yell “Shakira!” “Shakira” as the resemblance was so uncanny.
One time I was making a new Vision Board for my life and cut out a picture of Jessica Alba. I think she is super sexy and would love to go out with a woman like her. As I was literally pasting the picture to my Vision Board my friend called me and told me that he had this girl that I had to meet. “Tony, there is this girl you have to meet. You’ll never believe who she looks like. She looks just like Jessica Alba!” To which I told him, “You know what? I believe it.” When he came to pick me up so I could meet this new woman, I first brought him inside to see my Vision Board and explained to him the power of the mind.
In some cases of working with Vision Boards I actually manifested the EXACT person I put on the board. Talk about being amazed! Several times I put up high profile clients on my board and within a week or less they were standing in my office. It’s truly amazing what you can do with this stuff once you understand it.
Here is a cautionary note I would like to add in regard to Vision Boards and letting go of your attachments to them. Let’s say a guy would like a brunette woman and puts up a picture of one. The Universe, being all-wise and powerful, sends this man a gorgeous blond-haired woman as it knows they would match up better together. If the man cannot let go of his attachment to his original idea of the brunette woman, he might miss out on a much better relationship for him. Make sense?
I’ll give you another example just to illustrate this fact. When I was living in San Diego I KNEW, absolutely knew that I was going to move back to Los Angeles. I decided to move to the western part of Los Angeles, where Hollywood and the nightclubs are located, and began looking for places. One night while out on a date, the woman I was with introduced me to Pasadena which is a city in the Los Angeles County. Immediately I fell in love with the place. A few weeks later I was living there and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The reason I bring this up is because had I been attached to my original idea of living in West LA, I would have missed out on a place that was a much better suit for me.
When you make a make Vision Board it helps to clarify your desires and goals for your life. You’re no longer unsure of what you would like and can now concentrate your thoughts instead on what you would like to see in your life. It’s such an amazing process and I can’t talk enough about its importance.
Now here is what you would need for a Vision Board.
1) A poster board.
2) Some magazines or pictures of what you would like to see in your life. If you don’t want to buy magazines, or can’t find pictures you like, you can always go online and find pictures of your ideal life. You can then print these pictures out and attach them to your board.
3) Some tapes, tacks, or glue to put your pictures on the boards.
For those of you that might be shy or don’t want others to see your boards, you can always make a Vision Notebook. I got this idea from Jack Canfield’s book, “The Success Principles”. The principle is pretty much the same. You take pictures of your ideal life and paste them onto the pages of a notebook. By notebook I mean a blank notebook, the kind you can write in. You can also buy a notebook, the kind that has 3 rings and is empty inside and put your pictures into that. Simply flip through your notebook once or twice a day and you’re on your way!
Also, you don’t have to have an actual board. Sometimes I see pictures of things I would like and just put them on my wall. The process and end result is the same.
Vision Statements
A similar idea to Vision Boards is the Vision Statement. Basically it is a series of pictures put together onto a slide show that you watch every day. I prefer to watch it twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night to really get my day going. I first heard about this idea in a video by Malcolm Cohan:
The fun thing about making Vision Statements is that you can include writing and music to your pictures. It’s a really powerful tool for anyone who wants to use it. For my Vision Statement, I used Microsoft PowerPoint to make it. I am sure there are other programs on the net, some of which are free, that can help you do the same. There are also free 60 day trials of Microsoft PowerPoint that you can download and use to make your Vision Statement.
Vision Wallpaper
A Vision Wallpaper is just like a Vision Board except it acts as the wallpaper/desktop background on your computer screen. You saw mine before:
I love the use of a Vision Wallpaper as it constantly puts you into a good feeling and vibration every time you see it. It is also constantly retraining your brain to bring this stuff to you as you are so focused on it.
For my wallpaper, I simply saved some pictures onto my computer that I liked and used Microsoft Paint, a free program for all Windows users, to put the pictures onto one file. I then saved the file, right clicked it and selected “Set as Desktop Background”.
I will be back tomorrow with how to make audio recordings to train your brain for success. Until then, get to work on your Vision Boards, Statements, and Wallpapers!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Training Your Brain for Success (Part 2 of 3)
For part 1, click here
It’s time for Part 2 of training your brain for success! Two important tools that a lot of people might not be using (or might be using incorrectly) are Affirmations and “Acting As If”. As I recently just covered both of these topics, I am just going to link to them and move on to the next tip.
Acting As If
Reading New Books or Books on Audio CDs
A GREAT way to train your brain for success is by reading new books or online articles such as this. As Dr. Thurman Fleet of the Concept-Therapy Institute likes to say, when you read things like this, you are creating new brain cells and these are of the positive type. As you create more and more of these cells, the Divine Power that operates in the world will be able to flow through you in a more positive way.
When you read new books you expose yourself to new thoughts and ideas that can dramatically improve your life. For instance, after I read “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It”, the principles in that book changed my business. I was able to drastically cut down the amount of time I worked while my income went way up.
As well as the new ideas and thoughts that books can expose you to, you can also derive motivation and inspiration from books. Reading about successful people that you would like to emulate, can really motivate you to take positive actions to transform your own life. Also, as “like attracts like”, when you are reading and thinking about success, happiness, wealth, etc… you are in a vibration to attract more of that into your life.
By the way, for those that don’t like books or might not have time for them, there are always books on CDs. These are great to listen to while driving. Imagine getting a whole book done while simply driving to and from work every day.
Here is a list of books I’ve used to improve different areas of my life:
1. Rays of the Dawn by Dr. Thurman Fleet:
ANYTHING and I mean just about ANYTHING by Dr. Fleet is amazing. Rays of the Dawn; Natural Laws of the Body, Mind, and Soul covers just that, the known natural laws of the body, mind, and soul. The laws are explained to you in an easy to understand way and there are also menus in the chapter on the “Law of Nourishment” so that you can properly combine your meals.
As for the Mind, and Soul, the book breaks those up into two sections and according to polarities. So for instance, if you were to read the chapter on “Fear” first, you would then read the chapter on “Faith” next.
*Any two opposites are the SAME thing in different degrees. For example, where there is faith, there is no fear.*
2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This is one of the best selling inspirational books of all time and for good reason. Hill was taught by Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men who ever lived, all of his principles behind success and wealth creation. Hill then put those principles into his book and shares it with you. I strongly recommend it for anyone who would like to see the role their mind and imagination plays in creating their success and also the steps to being successful.
3. The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield
This book is written by Jack Canfield, author of the famous “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books and also a speaker in the law of attraction film, “The Secret”. In the book, Canfield covers the various principles he believes one needs in order to be successful. J really love this book due to its simplicity and the large number of areas it covers. Each chapter is usually only a few pages long and nearly everything from releasing negative experiences from your past, to making new images and affirmations, and even how to invest your money are all covered in it.
4. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Ecker
Another great book on wealth creation. In it Ecker talks about how just like you can set your thermostat to whatever temperature you like, you can also set your financial thermostat to whatever temperature you like. Ecker provides exercises for the reader to do to rid themselves of any negative concepts they might have acquired in the past and has a passion for wealth creation that really comes out in his book.
5. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber
This book has done too much for me to not mention it. In my opinion, it should be required reading by ANYONE who plans on starting a business. It basically states that a business should be looked at like its own independent entity and that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is because they get stuck inside the day to day operations of their business. Gerber states that instead of going to work in your business, you should go to work ON your business. You should look at it as if it was its own separate entity that should be able to run without you. If your business cannot run without you being there, then you don’t have a business, you have a JOB.
My next writing will talk about the power of vision statements, vision boards, vision wallpapers and how to make your own audio recordings to train your brain for success!
It’s time for Part 2 of training your brain for success! Two important tools that a lot of people might not be using (or might be using incorrectly) are Affirmations and “Acting As If”. As I recently just covered both of these topics, I am just going to link to them and move on to the next tip.
Acting As If
Reading New Books or Books on Audio CDs
A GREAT way to train your brain for success is by reading new books or online articles such as this. As Dr. Thurman Fleet of the Concept-Therapy Institute likes to say, when you read things like this, you are creating new brain cells and these are of the positive type. As you create more and more of these cells, the Divine Power that operates in the world will be able to flow through you in a more positive way.
When you read new books you expose yourself to new thoughts and ideas that can dramatically improve your life. For instance, after I read “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It”, the principles in that book changed my business. I was able to drastically cut down the amount of time I worked while my income went way up.
As well as the new ideas and thoughts that books can expose you to, you can also derive motivation and inspiration from books. Reading about successful people that you would like to emulate, can really motivate you to take positive actions to transform your own life. Also, as “like attracts like”, when you are reading and thinking about success, happiness, wealth, etc… you are in a vibration to attract more of that into your life.
By the way, for those that don’t like books or might not have time for them, there are always books on CDs. These are great to listen to while driving. Imagine getting a whole book done while simply driving to and from work every day.
Here is a list of books I’ve used to improve different areas of my life:
1. Rays of the Dawn by Dr. Thurman Fleet:
ANYTHING and I mean just about ANYTHING by Dr. Fleet is amazing. Rays of the Dawn; Natural Laws of the Body, Mind, and Soul covers just that, the known natural laws of the body, mind, and soul. The laws are explained to you in an easy to understand way and there are also menus in the chapter on the “Law of Nourishment” so that you can properly combine your meals.
As for the Mind, and Soul, the book breaks those up into two sections and according to polarities. So for instance, if you were to read the chapter on “Fear” first, you would then read the chapter on “Faith” next.
*Any two opposites are the SAME thing in different degrees. For example, where there is faith, there is no fear.*
2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
This is one of the best selling inspirational books of all time and for good reason. Hill was taught by Andrew Carnegie, one of the richest men who ever lived, all of his principles behind success and wealth creation. Hill then put those principles into his book and shares it with you. I strongly recommend it for anyone who would like to see the role their mind and imagination plays in creating their success and also the steps to being successful.
3. The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be by Jack Canfield
This book is written by Jack Canfield, author of the famous “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books and also a speaker in the law of attraction film, “The Secret”. In the book, Canfield covers the various principles he believes one needs in order to be successful. J really love this book due to its simplicity and the large number of areas it covers. Each chapter is usually only a few pages long and nearly everything from releasing negative experiences from your past, to making new images and affirmations, and even how to invest your money are all covered in it.
4. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth by T. Harv Ecker
Another great book on wealth creation. In it Ecker talks about how just like you can set your thermostat to whatever temperature you like, you can also set your financial thermostat to whatever temperature you like. Ecker provides exercises for the reader to do to rid themselves of any negative concepts they might have acquired in the past and has a passion for wealth creation that really comes out in his book.
5. The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Business Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael Gerber
This book has done too much for me to not mention it. In my opinion, it should be required reading by ANYONE who plans on starting a business. It basically states that a business should be looked at like its own independent entity and that the reason most entrepreneurs fail is because they get stuck inside the day to day operations of their business. Gerber states that instead of going to work in your business, you should go to work ON your business. You should look at it as if it was its own separate entity that should be able to run without you. If your business cannot run without you being there, then you don’t have a business, you have a JOB.
My next writing will talk about the power of vision statements, vision boards, vision wallpapers and how to make your own audio recordings to train your brain for success!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Training Your Brain for Success (Part 1 of 3)
Today I am going to talk about how to train your brain for success. Everyone here has certain concepts and ideas about life. Some of these ideas are great and have served the person holding them well, while others have not. If what all the great masters have said is true, that your life is determined by your thoughts, wouldn’t now be a good time to see what it is your thinking? And if what you find is not serving you, wouldn’t now be a good time to change it?
Now some of you might be asking. “How do I know what thoughts I’m thinking and if they’re good or not?” To that I would say, “Just take a look around at what is going on in your life.” Are there certain areas that are causing you pain, trouble, or heartache? Are there parts of your life that you wish would just disappear so you could go through your day peacefully and happily? If you said “Yes” or for some of you “YES!!!!” to either of those questions then this writing for you.
With that being said, here are some ways you can go about changing the thoughts and images you hold in your mind so that it will create a better life for you.
1. Imaging – The first and favorite of mine is IMAGING. Basically imaging is creating an idea in your mind and having that image manifest in your life. I’ve spoken about it in nearly all of my talks and even made a Youtube video about it because I believe IT IS that important. I really can’t stress enough how important this whole process is.
Here is why it is so important; it’s been said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, put your pants on the same way, etc… All of this is handled by the SUBCONSCIOUS PART OF YOUR MIND. By subconscious I mean that part of your mind that is right below the conscious surface. It’s where our memories and habits reside and also the part of our mind that takes care of all our bodily functions. For instance, you don’t tell your heart to beat, that is all handled by the subconscious part of you.
Now what does this have to do with imaging? By forming an image and holding it in your mind for a certain period of time, this image will form a concept in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious will then go to work on manifesting this image in your life. So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas you want to see take place in your life. By the way, your subconscious cannot tell the difference between what’s real and what’s false. It will go to work to create any images you give it. Say for instance that you’re poor and begin to visualize yourself as being successful. Your subconscious will go to work to create that image just as it would if you were to keep feeding it images of your current situation. So feed it what you want to see in your life!!!
If you had a man that was obese, and wanted to get healthy, would you keep feeding him unhealthy foods? Of course not. You would feed him foods that were in line with a healthy diet. The same goes for your mind and images. If you’re unhappy in certain areas of your life, it’s time you start taking action, maybe a few minutes a day, to visualize how you would like your ideal life to be. Really feel the feelings of it taking place right now. The more emotion your images have, the faster they will become lodged in the subconscious part of your mind and the faster it will go to work on creating them in your life.
On a physical level, when you begin forming new images in your mind, you’re literally forming new neural pathways and brain cells in your brain associated with these new images. That’s why I think it sometimes takes time to break an old way of thinking about something. You have to literally starve off those old pathways associated with your former way of thinking as you feed these new positive ones.
Now I‘m going to take this one step further and talk about the Law of Vibration/Attraction in regard to your thoughts. If I were to take you, yes YOU, and place you under a strong enough microscope, you would see that you are vibrating. All of your cells are in a rate of vibration; it’s just that this is imperceptible to the human eye. Now, what does this have to do with your brain? Remember when I said there are two parts of your mind; the conscious and the subconscious? Well, within your brain are millions upon millions of brain cells that are vibrating. When you think of something such as a car, you've just caused a series of brain cells to begin vibrating. That vibration is being sent out from your cells and landing onto the brains of people who are responsive i.e. in the same vibration as you.
When you think of something long enough, it forms a cluster of cells or a “concept” in your subconscious mind. These cells are vibrating continuously right below the conscious surface and are attracting people to you. That’s why it is so important to form concepts about what you would like to see manifested in your life. These concepts vibrate continuously, right below the conscious surface, and are attracting to you, all-day, nonstop, the ideas associated with them.
Try this exercise. Go in a crowded place. Start thinking really happy loving thoughts and see what happens after a few minutes. Then try thinking really angry pissed off thoughts and see what happens (maybe don't try the latter). People will respond. The vibrations you are giving off will go out into the crowd and land on people who are in the same vibration as you.
On a higher spiritual level, through the imaging process you are transmitting to God/The Universe/The Mass Consciousness (pick what you would like to call it), what it is you would like to see manifested in your life. The image you are holding in your mind, puts you into a certain feeling or vibration, which is being transferred out to the world and based on your vibration, you are attracting what is coming into your life.
Now some of you might be asking. “How do I know what thoughts I’m thinking and if they’re good or not?” To that I would say, “Just take a look around at what is going on in your life.” Are there certain areas that are causing you pain, trouble, or heartache? Are there parts of your life that you wish would just disappear so you could go through your day peacefully and happily? If you said “Yes” or for some of you “YES!!!!” to either of those questions then this writing for you.
With that being said, here are some ways you can go about changing the thoughts and images you hold in your mind so that it will create a better life for you.
1. Imaging – The first and favorite of mine is IMAGING. Basically imaging is creating an idea in your mind and having that image manifest in your life. I’ve spoken about it in nearly all of my talks and even made a Youtube video about it because I believe IT IS that important. I really can’t stress enough how important this whole process is.
Here is why it is so important; it’s been said that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. You go to work the same way every day, brush your teeth the same way every day, put your pants on the same way, etc… All of this is handled by the SUBCONSCIOUS PART OF YOUR MIND. By subconscious I mean that part of your mind that is right below the conscious surface. It’s where our memories and habits reside and also the part of our mind that takes care of all our bodily functions. For instance, you don’t tell your heart to beat, that is all handled by the subconscious part of you.
Now what does this have to do with imaging? By forming an image and holding it in your mind for a certain period of time, this image will form a concept in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious will then go to work on manifesting this image in your life. So it’s important to impregnate your subconscious with ideas you want to see take place in your life. By the way, your subconscious cannot tell the difference between what’s real and what’s false. It will go to work to create any images you give it. Say for instance that you’re poor and begin to visualize yourself as being successful. Your subconscious will go to work to create that image just as it would if you were to keep feeding it images of your current situation. So feed it what you want to see in your life!!!
If you had a man that was obese, and wanted to get healthy, would you keep feeding him unhealthy foods? Of course not. You would feed him foods that were in line with a healthy diet. The same goes for your mind and images. If you’re unhappy in certain areas of your life, it’s time you start taking action, maybe a few minutes a day, to visualize how you would like your ideal life to be. Really feel the feelings of it taking place right now. The more emotion your images have, the faster they will become lodged in the subconscious part of your mind and the faster it will go to work on creating them in your life.
On a physical level, when you begin forming new images in your mind, you’re literally forming new neural pathways and brain cells in your brain associated with these new images. That’s why I think it sometimes takes time to break an old way of thinking about something. You have to literally starve off those old pathways associated with your former way of thinking as you feed these new positive ones.
Now I‘m going to take this one step further and talk about the Law of Vibration/Attraction in regard to your thoughts. If I were to take you, yes YOU, and place you under a strong enough microscope, you would see that you are vibrating. All of your cells are in a rate of vibration; it’s just that this is imperceptible to the human eye. Now, what does this have to do with your brain? Remember when I said there are two parts of your mind; the conscious and the subconscious? Well, within your brain are millions upon millions of brain cells that are vibrating. When you think of something such as a car, you've just caused a series of brain cells to begin vibrating. That vibration is being sent out from your cells and landing onto the brains of people who are responsive i.e. in the same vibration as you.
When you think of something long enough, it forms a cluster of cells or a “concept” in your subconscious mind. These cells are vibrating continuously right below the conscious surface and are attracting people to you. That’s why it is so important to form concepts about what you would like to see manifested in your life. These concepts vibrate continuously, right below the conscious surface, and are attracting to you, all-day, nonstop, the ideas associated with them.
Try this exercise. Go in a crowded place. Start thinking really happy loving thoughts and see what happens after a few minutes. Then try thinking really angry pissed off thoughts and see what happens (maybe don't try the latter). People will respond. The vibrations you are giving off will go out into the crowd and land on people who are in the same vibration as you.
On a higher spiritual level, through the imaging process you are transmitting to God/The Universe/The Mass Consciousness (pick what you would like to call it), what it is you would like to see manifested in your life. The image you are holding in your mind, puts you into a certain feeling or vibration, which is being transferred out to the world and based on your vibration, you are attracting what is coming into your life.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. Latch on to the affirmative. Don’t mess with Mister In-between.
Here is a GREAT song that I think perfectly illustrates some of the points I have been trying to drive home. The song is called “Accentuate the Positive” by Johnny Mercer and Harold Arlen. I came across it right now while reading Dr. Thurman Fleet’s “Cosmic Principles” book. In the book Dr. Fleet says this regarding the song: “The song brings out this rule: Eliminate the Negative, and you will be living in the Positive.”
By “negative” Dr. Fleet means: “We use the word negative to mean that the individual selects things, think thoughts, or performs acts that are bad for his life, and bad for all of those who live around him. It is the evil principle of living a life. Vice versa, the word positive means that the things that a person selects for his body are good for his body. The thoughts which he thinks are good thoughts. They are conducive to helping life in the person himself, or in some other form. Also, the acts that he indulges in are acts that lift his life upward, or they lift the life of others upward. In other words, positive means “good for life”.”
So accentuate the positive! Choose foods and things that are good for your body. Eat healthy, get massages, go outside! Choose thoughts that are good for your mind. Think loving thoughts, happy thoughts, be grateful for what you have! And finally choose acts that are good for your soul. Do good things for others and yourself. Hug someone, say “Thank you” or “I love you” to someone when you can.
I’ll be back tomorrow with another write-up!
Here are the lyrics to the song in case you would like them.
You've got to accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between
You've got to spread joy up to the maximum Bring gloom down to the minimum Have faith or pandemonium Liable to walk upon the scene
(To illustrate his last remark Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark What did they do Just when everything looked so dark)
Man, they said we better Accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between No, do not mess with Mister In-Between Do you hear me, hmm?
(Oh, listen to me children and-a you will hear About the elininatin' of the negative And the accent on the positive) And gather 'round me children if you're willin' And sit tight while I start reviewin' The attitude of doin' right
(You've gotta accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between)
You've got to spread joy (up to the maximum) Bring gloom (down) down to the minimum Otherwise (otherwise) pandemonium Liable to walk upon the scene
To illustrate (well illustrate) my last remark (you got the floor) Jonah in the whale, Noah in the ark What did they say (what did they say) Say when everything looked so dark
Man, they said we better Accentuate the positive Eliminate the negative Latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between No! Don't mess with Mister In-Between
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Wanting VS Having
I want to talk right now about “wanting” something versus “having” something and their effects in regard to the Law of Attraction.
Whenever there is something you want, and you would like to use the imaging process and the law of attraction to bring it you, always focus on the END RESULT. By this I mean to imagine and really FEEL the feelings as if you had what you wanted RIGHT NOW. Let’s say for instance you would like to buy a new house. You could see yourself lying down on the couch of your new home, swimming in the pool of your beautiful backyard, pulling into your new garage, and happily taking a shower in your new bathroom as you think about how grateful you are to be living in your beautiful new place. By focusing on the end result you are invoking the Law of Attraction to bring you just that, the end result and things that match up with the vibration you’re in.
Now let’s say for instance you are focused on what you “want”. When you are focused on the want, and are imaging and feeling that instead of the end result of you having it, you are going to attract more “want” experiences into your life. You’ve now put yourself in a position to attract more experiences that leave you lacking. So focus on the end result! Really feel the feelings as if you had what you wanted right now. Be grateful for it as if it is was already yours. Jesus, one of the greatest philosophers of all time said “Ask and ye shall receive”. So decide on what you want and really believe that it is yours. Be grateful for it as if you had it right now. This will put you into a vibratory state to attract it.
By the way, if you would really like to add some zest to your images you can go and test drive that new car you want, go to the open house of your dream home, cut out pictures of your ideal partner/body/friends/apartment and more. You can even try on clothes that you would like to wear, talk to people you would like to date, and see a travel agent about a destination you would like to travel to. Taking actions like these do a few things; 1) They show you that the dreams you want for your life are possible 2) They add a sense of realness to your images. Its one thing to imagine yourself driving the car of your dreams but it’s a much different experience after you’ve gone and test driven it. You now know what it’s like to have your hand on the steering wheel as you make a turn, how the leather seat feels against your body, and what your new car smells like on the inside. You can now recall those feelings you felt while inside your dream car to put you into a state to attract it. 3) Taking actions like these can really motivate you to take more actions to get what you want. Let’s say you went to a travel agent and found out your dream vacation isn’t going to cost you nearly as much as you thought. Wouldn’t that inspire you to begin saving up for it? Its actions like these that can motivate you to take further actions to reach your goals. 4) Lastly, actions like these stretch you. They pull you out of your comfort zone and let you know that there IS something better out there for you.
Let’s say you’ve never worn really nice clothes before. For instance, there was a time that I didn’t dress as nice as I do now. I remember the first time I went shopping after I had just begun making good money in my new business. I went to a few upscale clothing stores and began trying on some different outfits. After the very first outfit I tried on, I now saw myself in a whole new light. I had previously come from a low-income family and trying on nice clothes for me was like stepping into another world. I was so nervous about the whole experience I was damn near breaking out in a sweat. You would have thought I was trying to steal something by the way I was behaving. It was just that I was so shocked that the low-income person I once was now had the money to buy nice things for himself. I could now finally dress the way I had always wanted to.
I loved the clothes I tried on that day so much that I bought them and within a few months my whole wardrobe was replaced with a brand new one. The whole process of trying on those new clothes motivated me to earn more money so that I could purchase more of what I wanted.
There are two additional items I would like to touch on regarding wanting versus having. The first is BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. A lot of people, after they finish visualizing their ideal life, look around at their current state of affairs and begin to complain about how bad their life is. They talk about how lousy their car is, how miserable their wife makes them, how bad their kids are, how mean their boss is and more. All of this negative talk puts them into a negative vibration to attract more negative experiences into their life. These new negative experiences reinforce their negative self-talk which attracts more negative experiences to them and so on. These people get themselves stuck in a negative cycle. They’re literally pushing away the positive experiences they were just bringing to themselves moments ago.
Now, with that being said, what are you going to do? You’re going to BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. Let’s say you don’t have the car you would like, well you at least have a car right? Be grateful for that now and you will put yourself into a positive vibe to attract more grateful experiences. Let’s say you don’t even have a car, you have feet that work right? You can start by being grateful for that.
I’ll give you an example from my own life. When I first moved to Los Angeles to attend college at the very prestigious and expensive University of Southern California (USC), I had very little money This resulted in me getting a studio apartment in a really bad neighborhood and sleeping on a mattress on the floor as that was all that I could afford. I could have bitched about how small my place was, how bugs sometimes crawled on me while I slept (they really did), how loud the freeway by my apartment was, and much more. Instead I decided to focus on the good. I had an apartment I could afford, was able to attend the school I dreamt of going to, and there was an Arby’s right by my place! (I love Arby’s). Within a short time of attending USC, I met my friend Sam who became my roommate and moved into a beautiful apartment on campus. So be grateful for what you have so you will attract more positive experiences to you.
The next item I want to bring up is that I want you to BELIEVE that you will receive what it is you want. A lot of people after they spend some time imaging and feeling what they want will say to themselves things like; “I’ll never be able to afford that”. “I can never have that” “I’ll never have my dream job/house/car etc.” They’re literally sabotaging the good work they were doing moments ago. There’s a saying, I think it is from Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (someone correct me if I’m wrong) that goes something like “Would you dig up seeds you just placed into the ground?” The answer is “Of course not”. So make sure to water your seeds i.e. the images you want to make manifest by believing that you will receive them.
Let’s say someone would like to increase their belief in the Law of Attraction or in them receiving what it is they want, what can they do? The first I would say is to start with something small. When I first started using the Law of Attraction I visualized someone bringing me a sandwich that had turkey, lettuce and bacon in it. I literally took a nap right after doing that visualization and an hour or two later my workout partner showed up at my house to wake me up for the day’s training. What did he bring with him for me? A turkey, lettuce, and bacon sandwich.
Now what else can someone do to increase their belief or remove any negative thoughts? I would say for them to be grateful for what it is they want as if they already have it. When they do this, they’re no longer thinking about whether it is or isn’t possible to have what they desire. They’ve simply put themselves in a positive state to attract it.
So remember, focus on the END RESULT of what you would like and be grateful for what you have now and what’s coming to you. This will put you into a positive state to attract that and other positive experiences that match up with your vibration.
Whenever there is something you want, and you would like to use the imaging process and the law of attraction to bring it you, always focus on the END RESULT. By this I mean to imagine and really FEEL the feelings as if you had what you wanted RIGHT NOW. Let’s say for instance you would like to buy a new house. You could see yourself lying down on the couch of your new home, swimming in the pool of your beautiful backyard, pulling into your new garage, and happily taking a shower in your new bathroom as you think about how grateful you are to be living in your beautiful new place. By focusing on the end result you are invoking the Law of Attraction to bring you just that, the end result and things that match up with the vibration you’re in.
Now let’s say for instance you are focused on what you “want”. When you are focused on the want, and are imaging and feeling that instead of the end result of you having it, you are going to attract more “want” experiences into your life. You’ve now put yourself in a position to attract more experiences that leave you lacking. So focus on the end result! Really feel the feelings as if you had what you wanted right now. Be grateful for it as if it is was already yours. Jesus, one of the greatest philosophers of all time said “Ask and ye shall receive”. So decide on what you want and really believe that it is yours. Be grateful for it as if you had it right now. This will put you into a vibratory state to attract it.
By the way, if you would really like to add some zest to your images you can go and test drive that new car you want, go to the open house of your dream home, cut out pictures of your ideal partner/body/friends/apartment and more. You can even try on clothes that you would like to wear, talk to people you would like to date, and see a travel agent about a destination you would like to travel to. Taking actions like these do a few things; 1) They show you that the dreams you want for your life are possible 2) They add a sense of realness to your images. Its one thing to imagine yourself driving the car of your dreams but it’s a much different experience after you’ve gone and test driven it. You now know what it’s like to have your hand on the steering wheel as you make a turn, how the leather seat feels against your body, and what your new car smells like on the inside. You can now recall those feelings you felt while inside your dream car to put you into a state to attract it. 3) Taking actions like these can really motivate you to take more actions to get what you want. Let’s say you went to a travel agent and found out your dream vacation isn’t going to cost you nearly as much as you thought. Wouldn’t that inspire you to begin saving up for it? Its actions like these that can motivate you to take further actions to reach your goals. 4) Lastly, actions like these stretch you. They pull you out of your comfort zone and let you know that there IS something better out there for you.
Let’s say you’ve never worn really nice clothes before. For instance, there was a time that I didn’t dress as nice as I do now. I remember the first time I went shopping after I had just begun making good money in my new business. I went to a few upscale clothing stores and began trying on some different outfits. After the very first outfit I tried on, I now saw myself in a whole new light. I had previously come from a low-income family and trying on nice clothes for me was like stepping into another world. I was so nervous about the whole experience I was damn near breaking out in a sweat. You would have thought I was trying to steal something by the way I was behaving. It was just that I was so shocked that the low-income person I once was now had the money to buy nice things for himself. I could now finally dress the way I had always wanted to.
I loved the clothes I tried on that day so much that I bought them and within a few months my whole wardrobe was replaced with a brand new one. The whole process of trying on those new clothes motivated me to earn more money so that I could purchase more of what I wanted.
There are two additional items I would like to touch on regarding wanting versus having. The first is BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. A lot of people, after they finish visualizing their ideal life, look around at their current state of affairs and begin to complain about how bad their life is. They talk about how lousy their car is, how miserable their wife makes them, how bad their kids are, how mean their boss is and more. All of this negative talk puts them into a negative vibration to attract more negative experiences into their life. These new negative experiences reinforce their negative self-talk which attracts more negative experiences to them and so on. These people get themselves stuck in a negative cycle. They’re literally pushing away the positive experiences they were just bringing to themselves moments ago.
Now, with that being said, what are you going to do? You’re going to BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU HAVE. Let’s say you don’t have the car you would like, well you at least have a car right? Be grateful for that now and you will put yourself into a positive vibe to attract more grateful experiences. Let’s say you don’t even have a car, you have feet that work right? You can start by being grateful for that.
I’ll give you an example from my own life. When I first moved to Los Angeles to attend college at the very prestigious and expensive University of Southern California (USC), I had very little money This resulted in me getting a studio apartment in a really bad neighborhood and sleeping on a mattress on the floor as that was all that I could afford. I could have bitched about how small my place was, how bugs sometimes crawled on me while I slept (they really did), how loud the freeway by my apartment was, and much more. Instead I decided to focus on the good. I had an apartment I could afford, was able to attend the school I dreamt of going to, and there was an Arby’s right by my place! (I love Arby’s). Within a short time of attending USC, I met my friend Sam who became my roommate and moved into a beautiful apartment on campus. So be grateful for what you have so you will attract more positive experiences to you.
The next item I want to bring up is that I want you to BELIEVE that you will receive what it is you want. A lot of people after they spend some time imaging and feeling what they want will say to themselves things like; “I’ll never be able to afford that”. “I can never have that” “I’ll never have my dream job/house/car etc.” They’re literally sabotaging the good work they were doing moments ago. There’s a saying, I think it is from Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (someone correct me if I’m wrong) that goes something like “Would you dig up seeds you just placed into the ground?” The answer is “Of course not”. So make sure to water your seeds i.e. the images you want to make manifest by believing that you will receive them.
Let’s say someone would like to increase their belief in the Law of Attraction or in them receiving what it is they want, what can they do? The first I would say is to start with something small. When I first started using the Law of Attraction I visualized someone bringing me a sandwich that had turkey, lettuce and bacon in it. I literally took a nap right after doing that visualization and an hour or two later my workout partner showed up at my house to wake me up for the day’s training. What did he bring with him for me? A turkey, lettuce, and bacon sandwich.
Now what else can someone do to increase their belief or remove any negative thoughts? I would say for them to be grateful for what it is they want as if they already have it. When they do this, they’re no longer thinking about whether it is or isn’t possible to have what they desire. They’ve simply put themselves in a positive state to attract it.
So remember, focus on the END RESULT of what you would like and be grateful for what you have now and what’s coming to you. This will put you into a positive state to attract that and other positive experiences that match up with your vibration.
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