Friday, September 19, 2008

Act As If

Today I would like everyone to “act as if” they already had the dream life they seek. Imagine that you are, RIGHT NOW, the person you would like to be. Imagine that you already had your dream home, or your perfect relationship, or your big contract. How would you talk? How would you walk? How would you carry yourself? How would you think? How would you look at things? And most importantly, how would you feel? I want you to really ACT as if you had your perfect life right now.

We know from the Law of Attraction, that “like attracts like” and that based on the feelings you’re feeling, you’ve put yourself into a vibration or frequency to attract everything that comes your way. So really feel the feelings of having your perfect life now. Act as if it was all taking place in this moment, RIGHT NOW. This will put you in the right vibe to attract this perfect life and it will also retrain your brain to create it for you.

I’ve said in one of my previous talks that over 90% of what you do is subconscious. So by acting as if your perfect life is happening right now, you’re literally retraining your brain on a conscious and subconscious level to create this life for you. Your brain will start to look for new opportunities to bridge the gap between your current life and the life you’re envisioning. With enough time spent doing this, you’ll see yourself taking new actions, making new choices, and creating new habits that are in line with what you truly want. Also, aside from these other great benefits, you’ll also go about your day in a really good mood as you’re focusing on the good in your life.

So try it for the day! And feel free to leave me a comment on how it goes.

1 comment:

sanjay sharma said...


i like your idea but implementation is not as easy as you mentioned above. for example right now the financial sector is going down and i am working in this financial sector and i am not able to earn the money i am earning in the past. than how can i generate the feeling. if i act as if that i am a billionaire (because i always think bigger that is why i use billionaire) than i have to talk like this but when we go out than how can i talk with them like a billionaire. because my tone, voice, and posture change very dramatically. and i think people make comment on us if we do this.

what is your opinion about this. but any how i am trying it for a day and let you know about this.

sanjay sharma, india